how to use the different 'for' - 为我, 替我, 对我 Hi, It's hard for me to understand the difference and when to use those 3. Can you explain and give me a few examples as to when to use each of them? Thanks!!!
2018年1月9日 18:18
回答 · 10
Hi Miri !They have different meanings when used in different sentences. 为我 1⃣️ do sth for me;handle sth for me ex, 他为我写歌 he wrote songs for me;他为我解决了这个难题 he handled this tough issue for me. 2⃣️= 替我 ex, 为我高兴=替我高兴 feel happy for me 替我 1⃣️ substitute for me ex, 我明天有事,你能替我去值班吗? i have other important things to do tomorrow, could you please substitute for me? 对我 1⃣️对待 treat ex, 他对我很好。he treats me well 2⃣️to me; for me ex,他对我说: he says to me .... 对我来说... as for me.. 他对我帮助很大. he helps me a lot... he is really helpful to me hope my answers can help you a little. :D
国家为我骄傲 家人替我高兴 朋友对我祝贺
为我, - Because of me, ~~而死, because of me you died. 替我 - implies proxy, ~~辦事, do things for me (you have my authority to do so) 对我 - towards me, ~~有情, has feelings for me, interested in me etc
Nelson thank you for the elaborated answer!!
为 = for 替 = 顶替 = replace 对 = 面对= face 1. do sth for me = 为我做某事 2. do the thing that is what I need to do(perhaps it's my responsibility) for someone = 替某人做某事 = the position i'm standing is replaced by you, so we call 替。 替补球员 = substitute 3. 对 = 面对 = face = versus = against。 你对我做某事 means you do sth facing/versusing/against me(for me, just to express a kind of situation that the thing is done for me because you are facing me to do) approximately = pay court to a sb. have you seen that male pay court to female in nature? such as dancing or singing to women(man often face to women). gradually the 对 got etended meaning in different areas of use. now even though you are not facing to sb actually, you are just doing sth for sb. it can also be used 对 in these situations