what does "Je t'en prie, cherie!" mean in english?
2009年4月4日 23:57
回答 · 3
hello , there is two means of this word first : if you say it to some one who told you "thanks" seantence , in this case that's mean in English like "you are welcome honey". second : if you use it to ask some thing , it's like if you sayin English : " please honey " hope that u get an idea now, if you need some yhing else i'm here :)
Hello Kelsey, prie from the verb "prier" means to pray or to beg ,in this context it is rather "to beg". Cherie means darling or dear. It either means: I beg you darling , I beg you dear. or "Please ,do " for example if you ask someone" je peux m'asseoir ?" = May i have a seat or sit ? He could answer " Je t'en prie" or " je vous en prie" which means here " Please do".
answer of rachid is fine. "je te'n prie" shows you are grateful and also it's a formula to ask for something politely. the literal translation would be "I beg you".