Robson Leonel Branco
Maybe I was expecting for her love.. Can I use this phrase like that above? Context= I had the expctance that she loves me.
2024年9月3日 16:31
回答 · 11
I was hoping that she loved me. In some languages (eg Spanish) expect, hope and wait can all be expressed using one word (eg esperar).
2024年9月3日 17:50
"Maybe I was expecting her love" is fine. The sentence seems like it's missing something. It wants context: "After so much said and done and shared, maybe I was expecting her love. "
2024年9月3日 20:39
It's grammatically faulty and sounds very strange. "Maybe I was expected her love" is grammatically fixed, but still sounds a bit unclear. "Maybe I expected her to love me." is both valid and clear, and I think that's what you mean to say.
2024年9月3日 17:34
I expected from her to love me
2024年9月4日 16:42
The grammar is wrong and the meaning is unclear. ‘Expect’ would be talking about something happening in the future. For example Q. Why did you marry her even though she didn’t love you? A. I guess I expected that she would learn to love me. If you say ‘I thought that she loved me’ you are saying that that she didn’t but you didn’t know that. I thought that she loved me and had the expectation that we would have a long and happy marriage as a result. (What I thought before the marriage) But after 5 years it was clear that she didn’t. Maybe she never had.
2024年9月4日 14:23