Fer Lee
Hello English native speakers. Based on the audio, I would like to know what you think about my accent and pronunciation. Is it very obvious that I am not a native speaker? What do you think my native language is? Thank you
2024年12月3日 14:56
回答 · 9
Very understandable. Not at all native-sounding.
14 小时前
Your pronunciation is clear. Your accent sounds mixed between American and slightly British. The hard "R" sound catches my ear and is very noticeable. It reminds me of surfers in California. This girl here also has that hard "R" sound https://www.italki.com/en/teacher/8658660/russian . I don't know where it comes from or who she got it from. It is interesting. When she speaks her native russian you can hear how her voice is relaxed compared to when she is speaking English but I think that is very normal for most of us. Overall, your English is very good and easy to understand. From listening to your English, I would not know where you are from originally or your native language. How did you learn English and at what age did you first get introduced to it?
18 小时前
Well done. A nice clear accent. I’ve just corrected you slightly on the name Nightingale (which is also a bird) and Crimean, but you will probably never need either of these two words in your English. Are you native Spanish?
2024年12月3日 15:06
You have an American accent. You pause a lot - it's not very smooth. A bit like a nervous & distracted child reading from an unfamiliar script in front of a large audience, who is carefully watching their enunciation without thinking about making it flow. But in some patches you were speaking smoothly like a native adult would when not reading from a script. And it's easy to understand what you're saying. I have no idea what your native language is. Your accent is pretty good - it seems authentic American, to the British ear. Only the excessive pausing / lack of flow is an issue, if you want to appear native & natural.
12 小时前
Hi, you are very understandable. Definitely not an native speaker. Your accent is medium strength I would say. I would guess you are from eastern Europe or somewhere with a slavic language. One thing you could think about is the short 'i' sound. It's sounds more like EEEE than I. Don't feel bad though -pretty much everyone has trouble with that.
12 小时前