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Maria Baró
Multilingual Spanish teacher and certified DELE examiner for all levels I am a very passionate teacher because I love learning. I also love seeing the improvement in my students. I have been teaching since I graduated University and it is a job that I truly love. I think being a teacher does not mean having all the answers but being open-minded and accepting of other points of view. I always say learning goes both ways, since you can also learn from your students as a teacher. I have a master’s degree in Spanish Language, a Professional Spanish Teacher certificate by International House and I am a certified examiner for the DELE (A1-A2, B1-B2, C1-C2).
Gabriel Sales Garcia
Professor de Català amb experiència docent, parle Castellà, Anglès (English) i Suec (Svenska) Tengo experiencia docente enseñando música y idiomas. He dado numerosas clases particulares tanto de música cómo de lenguas y trabaje dos años en el programa de música de la escuela inglesa de Gotemburgo (Suecia). Además estoy estudiando actualmente un máster de pedagogia. De mi experiencia he aprendido que lo más importante es siempre tener en cuenta al alumno o alumna: sus necesidades, sus capacidades y sus objetivos. A partir de ello intento siempre crear un ambiente agradable para el aprendizaje y estimular tu motivación por seguir aprendiendo.
Learn with Joan
Unlock your language potential with a tutor who will guide you on the most efficient path to success Discover my proven methodology, and book a lesson to experience it firsthand. Let's embark on this rewarding journey together!
Jesús Asvalia
Polyglot - Certified ELE teacher & translator - 10+ years of experience in teaching languages I've been teaching Japanese since 2012, and I became a certified teacher on 2018! Currently I'm a certified teacher in Spanish, and I have a lot of experience in teaching Catalan and English as well!
Rosa Montané _モンタヌ蓮子
My experience learning languages has been learning a grammar and vocabulary base and then just practice speaking and after writing with native speakers as much as I could. So I try to give you a solid base and grammar logic if you are a beginner and then give you confident for speaking. I can teach Spanish or Catalan from beginner to advanced level. I like to know what are your interesses and where you will use the language (job/friends/study...), then I will adapt my class to your needs and speak to you with proximity. I can introduce you too to formal talk for working or universitary specific vocabulary.
Tutora de català, amb ganes de conversar amb tu Un dels punts més importants per aprendre una llengua és practicar-la, sobretot oralment. Durant els primers mesos de la COVID, ajudava a nenes de fora d'Espanya a practicar el català i l'espanyol quan no podien anar a classe. I amb aquesta experiència et puc ajudar a millorar el teu català. Uno de los puntos más importantes para aprender un idioma es practicarlo, sobre todo oralmente. Durante los primeros meses de la COVID ayudé a niñas de fuera de España a practicar su catalán y español cuando no podían ir a clase. Y con esta experiencia te puedo ayudar para mejorar tu catalán.
I taught Catalan, Spanish, and English in different countries. I started informally being part of language exchange programs and having private lessons. In 2021, I turned it into my profession through Italki.
Experienced Multilingual Tutor: Elevate Your Language Skills. Unlock Your Potential with Confidence I have an extensive teaching experience, both in a school setting and through private lessons (especially maths and languages) Understanding my students' needs is at the core of what I do. I genuinely aim to offer as much help and resourcefulness as possible. Patience and reliability come naturally to me, especially when it comes to providing the necessary language support. You'll find me easy to talk to, and it truly brings me joy when my students are happy and improving. I have good interpersonal skills and I have real curiosity for people's experiences, interests, opinions, etc. Trust me, we'll never run short of conversation topics :)
Hi team, this is for internal test, please approve
Profesor de Euskera y Catalán Desde hace un tiempo ya que vengo dando clases de conversación en Catalán y Euskera para personas que quieren mejorar su nivel o están comenzando a aprenderlo. Soy un profesor paciente, con muchos recursos y con ideas originales para que podáis disfrutar al máximo de aprender un idioma nuevo
Nasira Erguin
Profesora nativa de euskera y catalán Soy una persona muy abierta y sociable, y también sé adaptarme a las necesidades y peticiones de cada estudiante. Todas las críticas constructivas son bienvenidas para mejorar y evolucionar como profesora.
Marina del Alba
Spanish and catalan teacher with 4+ years experience. All levels. Kids, teens & adults. I think most important thing while learning is mantaining attention and motivation of the student. I am a close person, but also professional. I like to have a follow-up about what my students are doing and, most importantly, being behind them supporting them. Also, I am a pshycology fanatic, so I am opened to be your language learning attendant :)
Matteo Arellano
Soy ameno, flexible, amable y empático. Me adapto a las necesidades del estudiante y sé escuchar para proveer un mejor servicio. Me gusta preparar materiales y hacer la clase bastante interactiva para que el estudiante gane confianza y pueda dominar el idioma. I am easy going, gentle and empathetic. I adapt myself to the needs of my students and I am trained to listen well to provide a good service. I like to prepare different materials and make the class interactive so that the student can gain self-confidence and improve with the language.
Polyglot and language teacher with 10 years of experience 📚 I'm pretty easy-going, and an eternal learner! I would love to discuss any hobbies you may have, especially if they are related to language-learning, music, reading, and so on. Let me know if you have a very specific topic you want to talk about as well!
University Professor holding an MA in Language Acquisition I strongly believe that for a successful learning, the student has to enjoy the classes: this is why my goal is to adapt the teaching depending on your needs, interests and previous knowledge and, according to my students, I'm pretty good at it! For me, learning a new language is like undertaking an exciting journey into the unknown, discovering new cultures, creating bridges between people and enriching our world view, therefore, I sincerely expect that you'll enjoy your journey!
Ana Pardo
Mi objetivo fundamental és que el alumno 👩🎓 pueda aprender de una manera fluida, sencilla y amena un nuevo idioma. Aportando vocabulario, expresiones de utilidad práctica y mejorando su pronunciación de manera motivadora y progresiva.
Catalan teacher with over 10 years of experience Although I have studied a diversity of fields including History and Art, I specialized in Intercultural Education and I have always been teaching languages first as an extra job and then finally full-time.
I grew up with 4 mother tongues! I pay attention to every student's individual strengths and needs, in order to adapt the teaching style and rhythm to one that works best. My teaching experience comes from an intuitive and deductive process of learning by doing. I like to bring this into my lessons, making you understand the language as a whole, instead of just memorising words and phrases.
Èlia Vives Gadea
Catalana amb experiència docent que gaudeix ensenyant Tinc més de 5 anys d'experiència com educadora ambiental, formadora TIC i docent de repàs de ciències per a batxillerat. M'agrada educar, ensenyar i formar perquè és una manera de combatre la desinformació i la ignorància, empoderar les persones per a prendre decisions conscients, desenvolupar el pensament crític i reduir les desigualtats. Tengo más de 5 años de experiencia como educadora ambiental, formadora TIC y docente de repaso de ciencias para bachillerato. Me gusta educador, enseñar y formar porque es una manera de combatir la desinformación y la ignorancia, empoderar a las personas para tomar decisiones conscientes, desarrollar el pensamiento crítico y reducir las desigualdades.
Certified Spanish teacher (GCSLTA) more of 7 years experience, official DELE examiner (all levels) I am very communicative, dynamic and empathetic teacher. It is very gratifying for me to see how my students enjoy the journey of learning a new language and improve their language skills day by day. In my lessons I aim to create a relaxing space for you to learn, try the language you are learning, experience it, get feedback and clarifications from me and most important thing: have fun, see progress and keep motivated to keep on going! I will be your coach, creating a tailored learning plan for you. I also helped a lot of students to prepare and successfully pass their DELE exams, I am a official DELE examiner and grade the speaking part at Instituto Cervantes Berlin.