为你找到优秀的线上 波兰语 辅导老师:从我们经验丰富的线上 波兰语 老师中选择,获得优质的学习体验。

Patricia (Exam Prep)
Certified IELTS(English)/DALF,DELF,TCF,TEF(French) professor with 15 years of teaching experience When one makes a decision about the work he will do in life, it is important that the decision be based on criteria that reflect his personal values, temperaments, experiences, and skills. My choice of teaching as a career was not made lightly; rather, it was the culmination of a process of reflection about what I wanted to do with my life and my education. I have chosen education as a career because I believe that education is perhaps the most important function performed in our culture, or for that matter, any culture. I wanted to be part of this noble profession, and someday to be counted among those in whom future preservice teachers found inspiration.

Damian Czapla
Business English Expert | 6 lat doświadczenia w nauczaniu języków obcych Jestem magistrem anglistyki i literatury angielskiej oraz posiadam 5 lat doświadczenia zawodowego. Do chwili obecnej, pracować mi było dane głównie z osobami w przedziale 11-60 lat. Jestem spokojny i przyjemnością jest dla mnie doskonalenie twoich zdolności językowych - nie ma bowiem nic lepszego niż dzielenie się wiedzą, prawda? :)

I'm patient, considerate and attentive to what students are saying and asking, I try to encourage them and decrease any stress by means of using materials and teaching helps best suited for each particular student.

My goal is not only to teach you speak Polish as good as a native speaker, but also (and most importantly!) to make you feel comfortable and confident using the language.

Certified Native Polish Teacher with 15 years of experience with a passion for teaching. As an educator, Teaching languages has always been my calling, stemming from a lifelong fascination. My educational background extends to a Master's degree in Science. Throughout my career, I've imparted knowledge in Polish and English to non-native speakers residing in the UK. My teaching approach is characterized by meticulous planning, tailored to each learner's unique needs. I set clear objectives to enable students to gauge their progress and work toward achieving their developmental milestones. My adaptability shines through as I customize programs to suit various proficiency levels.

Certified in Foreign Language Education! Let's speak and make mistakes :) I am a very patient, encouraging, and positive teacher. I celebrate your mistakes, your successes, and am absolutely driven to help you improve your language skills! Crying, laughing, and learning with you is my job and my pleasure.

Bartosz Czarnotta
Pasjonat języka polskiego, pomagający w jego nauce od przeszło dwóch lat. Jako nauczyciel staram się by uczeń miał możliwie najszerszy kontakt z językiem. Staram się, by dać uczniowi motywację, która pozwoli mu przezwyciężyć trudności związane z nauką obcego i nowego języka. Staram pokazać się mu kulturę, która nierozerwalnie wiąże się z polszczyzną. Nauka języka to nie tylko nauka słownictwa i gramatyki. To przede wszystkim nauka kultury, w której język ma być jedynie narzędziem.

Anna Dorabialska
Doświadczona nauczycielka z Warszawy // An experienced teacher from Warsaw Mam 9 lat doświadczenia jako nauczycielka polskiego. Pracowałam z osobami z ponad 70 krajów. Pracowałam w prywatnej szkole językowej w Warszawie, dawałam też indywidualne lekcje online. Uczyłam też grupy organizowane specjalnie dla osób hiszpańskojęzycznych oraz dla osób znających inny język słowiański. Na lekcji ważna jest dla mnie radość i dobra energia. I have 9 years of experience as a teacher. I taught Polish to people from more than 70 countries all over the world. I worked in a private language school in Warsaw. I also gave private individual classes. I have experience with groups dedicated for Spanish/other Slavic language speakers. I fill my classes with joy and good energy.

Сертифицированный преподаватель польского как иностранного, 8 лет опыта. My goal is to make lessons as interesting as possible and help you to break your language barriers. ✓ 8 years of experience in teaching Polish and Russian ✓ worked with adults ✓ Magister's degree in Applied Linguistics (Translations and Teaching Foreign Languages) Therefore, I know everything about the specifics of teaching both from a theoretical and practical point of view. (For example, I know how to learn words so that they are most quickly remembered; what techniques are most effective in learning, etc.).

Nauczycielka języka polskiego jako obcego od 2009 roku / Teacher of Polish for foreigners since 2009 (PL) Pierwsza lekcja, pierwszy rozdział z podręcznika. Druga lekcja, drugi rozdział. Trzecia lekcja, trzeci rozdział, narzędnik. Szósta lekcja, szósty rozdział, biernik. Dziesiąta lekcja, dziesiąty rozdział, liczba mnoga. Dwudziesta lekcja, znasz sto końcówek i nadal nie mówisz po polsku... STOP!!! NIE uczę w ten sposób! (EN) First lesson, first unit of the students's book. Second lesson, second unit. Third lesson, third unit, instrumental case. Sixth lesson, sixth unit, accusative case. Tenth lesson, tenth unit, plural forms. 20s lesson, you have learnt 100 endings and you still do not speak any Polish... STOP!!! I do NOT teach this way!

Ucz się języka polskiego z native speakerem!Learn Polish with a native speaker! Mi piace capire il livello conoscenza della lingua e il motivo per cui una persona vuole imparare la lingua, così riesco a ottenere più risultati con un alunno. vorrei dedicare più tempo per soddisfare delle esigenze di un alunno. E' importante che ci fosse un'atmosfera rilassante così è più facile comprendere la lingua. I like to understand the level of knowledge of the language and why a person wants to learn the language, so I can get more results with a student. I would like to dedicate more time to meeting a student's needs. It is important that there is a relaxing atmosphere so it is easier to understand the language.

Ana Maria
Od wielu lat pracuję jako nauczyciel języka angielskiego. Nauczanie jest moją pasją. Uwielbiam pracę z życzliwymi osobami , które są pełne ambicji, marzeń i celów. Jestem również coachem i autorką. Kocham podróże - te małe i te duże. Mam czarnego kota choć bywam przesądna. Moje dwie siostry są moimi najlepszymi przyjaciółkami. Znam kilka języków obcych i cały czas je szlifuję oraz uczę się kolejnych. Nigdy nie nudzę się i jestem pewna, że Ty również nie będziesz.

Ania Lipińska
[I'm off-line from the 8th to the 16th of March] Tutor with 15 years of teaching experience I'd love to accompany you on your language-learning journey. It'd be an honour! In the lessons, I pay attention to your language needs and guide you to achieve the level of proficiency that satisfies you. I've been teaching languages for over 15 years. I've realised that what a learner needs is a safe space and sometimes a bit of guidance. I've come to understand that language learning happens to be stressful. My goal as a teacher is to show you that it doesn't have to be this way :). I'm always prepared with a topic to discuss and some grammar to practice. Mind you! We're going to be bored! :)

Magdalena Golden
A professional polyglot (specializing in teaching levels A0-B2) 🤓 and a laid-back human being 😊🌈 Since I'm constantly learning languages myself, I continuously try new methods and techniques and can share with you those that work best. I love technology so I like to test and modify new solutions to help you get the most out of your lessons! *PLEASE NOTE* For technical reasons, I am unable to use Italki Classroom. All classes are taught on Zoom.

Polish Teacher As a teacher, I always try to support my students and motivate them to continue learning and overcome learning difficulties. The advantage of my lessons is the atmosphere - friendly and positive. I am attentive and precise, so I pay attention to mistakes and shortcomings and see them as great opportunities for development!

Experienced language consultant (Business English and Polish) I believe that learning languages should be enjoyable and stress-free. Over time, I have developed my own approach, driven by exposure to the language in everyday life. This method is based on combining the learning with other activities, such as your work or hobbies, which makes the whole experience more natural, useful and enjoyable. Unlike most language tutors, I can offer unique insight into using Polish and English (and other languages) in a business context.

Klaudia Piszczek
A Nomadic Student of European Languages and Cultures who speaks 4 languages :) I believe that the best way to improve your language skills is to speak as much as possible, because without that, all the grammar rules or lists of words are pointless. Therefore, I would like to help you improve your language skills by having conversations in a very relaxed and friendly environment, on a variety of topics that would be interesting to you.

Grzegorz :)
Polish native speaker / Positive guy😅 / Tech enthusiast⚙️👋 Jestem opanowanym i wyrozumiałym człowiekiem, zawsze patrzącym pozytywnie na to co przynosi los. Sam prywatnie posiadam przyjaciół z innych krajów których uczę języka polskiego, zawsze dawało mi to ogrom frajdy. Dlatego też postanowiłem zacząć wspierać innych ludzi, właśnie tu na ITALKI. Wychodzę z założenia że nauka powinna być przyjemna i odbywać się w pozytywnej, zabawnej atmosferze. W swoich lekcjach stawiam przede wszystkim na rozwój umiejętności komunikacyjnych, i przełamaniu strachu przed mówieniem.

say it right, say it POLISH | over 5 years of experience As a native speaker, I’ve always been passionate about sharing my language and culture with others. I combine my expertise and enthusiasm to help learn Polish in an engaging and approachable way. I'm focused on students' needs and interests and I use methods and approaches which where efficient for me in my language learning journey. I’m here to help gain confidence in use of spoken Polish. One wise man said: "have patience - all things are difficult before they become easy”. I got student for all their lost patience. I try to keep them motivaited and happy with what they are doing. But on the other hand I love to mess things up to make classes more entertaining and to awake interests.

Your new friendly Polish&Swedish tutor! By self-studying most of the languages I speak, I did master some methods that helped me understand the science behind language learning and I'd be happy to share my methods with you. I'm open-minded, patient and I believe that making mistakes is the only way to learn. As your new tutor, I guarantee a fun and pleasant atmosphere.