In Japan, why do children continue to live in their parents' homes even after they reach adulthood? I will tell you three reasons.
In Japan, why do children continue to live in their parents' homes even after they reach adulthood? I will tell you three reasons.
In Japan, why do children continue to live in their parents' homes even after they reach adulthood? I will tell you three reasons. 日本では、どうして子どもが成人した後も、実家に住み続けるのでしょうか?3つの理由をお伝えします。 こんにちは、Uchiga(うちが)です! わたしは、仕事(しごと)のための日本語(にほんご)を教(おし)えたり、留学生(りゅうがくせい)や、外国(がいこく)から日本(にほん)に働(はたら)きにきた人(ひと)の仕事(しごと)やCareerについての相談(そうだん)を受(う)けたりしています。 Hello, I’m Uchiga. I teach Japanese for business and provide career consultation to international students and people from other countries who want to work in Japan. 直接(ちょくせつ)、人(ひと)とあまり話(はな)さないようなトピックについても、お話(はな)しします。 質問(しつもん)はありますか?お問合せはお気軽に。 If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact me.
Podcast 頻道
[Intermediate-Upper level] Interesting Japanese Not Taught In Schools About Japanese business culture, Japanese habits & Osaka