想 (xiǎng) VS 要 (yào)
想 (xiǎng) VS 要 (yào)
想 (xiǎng) and 要 (yào) are both verbs in Chinese that can be translated as "want" in English, but they are used in different contexts and convey slightly different meanings. 想 (xiǎng) is used to express a desire or inclination, often accompanied by a feeling or emotion. It can be translated as "to think" or "to wish" in English. For example: 我想去旅游。 (Wǒ xiǎng qù lǚyóu.) I want to go traveling. 他想学游泳。 (Tā xiǎng xué yóuyǒng.) He wants to learn how to swim. 要 (yào) is used to express a strong desire or intention, often with the idea of taking action to achieve a goal. It can be translated as "to want" or "to need" in English. For example: 我要一杯咖啡。 (Wǒ yào yī bēi kāfēi.) I want a cup of coffee. 他要买一辆新车。 (Tā yào mǎi yī liàng xīn chē.) He wants to buy a new car. Note that in some contexts, 想 (xiǎng) and 要 (yào) can be used interchangeably, especially in spoken Chinese. In this case, the choice of word may depend on the speaker's style or emphasis.
Podcast 頻道
Difference between A and B in Chinese with Shanmei