What is "かえるかげんしょう" that has become a hot topic on social networking sites? A talk about the characteristics
What is "かえるかげんしょう" that has become a hot topic on social networking sites? A talk about the characteristics
What is "かえるかげんしょう" that has become a hot topic on social networking sites? A talk about the characteristics and causes of people who are prone to this phenomenon, and how to deal with it. SNSで話題の”蛙化現象”とは? なりやすい人の特徴と原因、対策方法について話します。 こんにちは! わたしは、仕事(しごと)のための日本語(にほんご)を教(おし)えたり、留学生(りゅうがくせい)や、外国(がいこく)から日本(にほん)に働(はたら)きにきた人(ひと)の仕事(しごと)やCareerについての相談(そうだん)を受(う)けたりしています。 Hello! I teach Japanese for business and provide career consultation to international students and people from other countries who want to work in Japan. 直接(ちょくせつ)、人(ひと)とあまり話(はな)さないようなトピックについても、お話(はな)しします。 もしよかったら、日本人(にほんじん)の方(かた)にもPodcastを聴(き)いていただきたいです。
Podcast 頻道
Interesting Japanese Not Taught In Schools About Japanese business culture, Japanese habits & Osaka