Work from Home Study: We Save Time but Work More
Work from Home Study: We Save Time but Work More
Working from home and avoiding the journey to and from the office is saving many of us at least an hour every day, according to a 2023 study. But we're not always using that saved time for ourselves — we're actually spending a lot of that time working. The US-based National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) did a survey that looked at how workers in 27 countries used their time when working from home. On average, the daily time saved by working from home was found to be 72 minutes. Workers in China saved 102 minutes per day, while in Japan it was 100 minutes, and in India it was 99. But the study also found that, on average, 40% of that saved time was spent working — either on the worker's main job or on an additional one. Workers in Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan said they used more than half of their saved time to work. So what happened to the rest of that extra time? According to the study, an average of 34% was used as leisure time — with people in Germany and Austria using almost half of their extra time for leisure. And 11% — about eight minutes per day — was spent looking after children or other family members. The NBER said children had gotten a better deal with parents working from home — but that the big winners were employers, who got extra work time from their employees.
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