#9 Easy News / 3min.ver / ジブリパーク(Ghibli Park)// N3 Level
#9 Easy News / 3min.ver / ジブリパーク(Ghibli Park)// N3 Level
Easy News📺 I introduce Japanese news in easy Japanese. Today’s Theme is “Ghibli Park”. This episode is N3 level. Please use this audio for listening and shadowing practices. ◇words◇ ジブリ:Ghibli 体験(たいけん):personal experience 秘密(ひみつ):secret 倉庫(そうこ):warehouse 青春(せいしゅん):springtime of life, youth 丘(おか):hill 主人公(しゅじんこう):main character リニアモーターカー:linear motor train ✨A complete video (10min) introducing each area of Ghibli Park is available on my YouTube channel. 👀Channel name:Simple Japanese Listening with Meg ☆Script for this episode The scripts (URL) are listed in the overview section of the channel. ☆Quiz for this episode https://onl.bz/1wcak8d
Podcast 頻道
Simple Japanese Listening with Meg(めぐ)Smile