How to GIVE FEEDBACK to your colleagues at work - Business English lesson
How to GIVE FEEDBACK to your colleagues at work - Business English lesson
Let's talk today about how to give feedback at work, especially if you use English as a second language in the workplace and are not a native English speaker. Giving feedback to your colleagues, your staff, and your managers, is an essential part of a great team. However, so few people actually do it! We often think of feedback as a scary thing that is reserved for end of year performance reviews and appraisals. However, the best teams in the world make both negative and positive feedback a key part of their company culture. Today we’re going to hear some tips and ideas for how to give feedback to your colleagues. We’ll hear some great natural and native sounding vocabulary that we can use to do this, and then we’ll finish off with some challenges for you. Including a speaking challenge and a vocabulary quiz to see what you’ve remembered from today’s podcast.
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Breakout Business English