Having a Meal in China ~ 在中国吃饭
Having a Meal in China ~ 在中国吃饭
2024年12月13日 02:34
In this episode, I’ll share some fun experiences and useful tips about having a meal in China. Enjoy! Plus, learn some handy vocabulary along the way: 菜谱 (cài pǔ) 中文解释:指记录各种菜肴制作方法的书籍或单子,也可以指餐馆的菜单。 英文解释:Recipe or menu, referring to a list or book of methods for preparing dishes, or the menu at a restaurant. 食材 (shí cái) 中文解释:指用于烹饪的各种原材料,如蔬菜、肉类等。 英文解释:Ingredients, referring to various raw materials used for cooking, such as vegetables and meat. 烹调 (pēng tiáo) 中文解释:指烹饪食物的过程,包括炒、煮、炸等方法。 英文解释:Cooking, the process of preparing food, including methods like frying, boiling, and deep-frying. 烹饪 (pēng rèn) 中文解释:制作食物的技术或艺术,包括各种烹调方法。 英文解释:Cuisine or cooking, the technique or art of preparing food, involving various cooking methods. 少许 (shǎo xǔ) 中文解释:指数量很少,通常用于描述调料的用量。 英文解释:A little, referring to a very small amount, often used to describe the quantity of seasoning. 优惠券 (yōu huì quàn) 中文解释:提供折扣或特别优惠的小票或代码。 英文解释:Coupon, a ticket or code offering a discount or special deal. 扫码 (sǎo mǎ) 中文解释:用手机或设备扫描二维码以获取信息或完成支付。 英文解释:Scan a code, using a phone or device to scan a QR code for information or payment. 礼仪 (lǐ yí) 中文解释:指在人际交往中应遵守的行为规范或礼节。 英文解释:Etiquette, the set of rules or customs to be followed in social interactions. AA制 (AA zhì) 中文解释:指聚餐或其他消费时,各人按比例分摊费用的方式。 英文解释:Split the bill, a system where each person pays their share of the total expense.
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Living in China~中国生活趣谈