🤗¡Buenos días! 🌄 Let's start today studying simple present tense. This tense is used to 1️⃣express facts or conditions in the present, 2️⃣to point out routines or repeated actions also in the present, 3️⃣could be used to express how long something has been going on, or for 4️⃣future actions with an indication of future time. Pay attention to the following examples. 🎯María es Enfermera. 🎯Manolo es alto. 🎯Pierina está enferma. 🎯Nosotros estamos de vacaciones.
Please indicate which present tense condition (1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣4️⃣) applies to all of them.
Expressing how long something has been going on
Future action with future time indicator
Facts or conditions in the present
Routine or repeated actions in the present
1 人已做了小測驗
2025年1月18日 15:24