Henda Elteir
🤔 Can you guess the questions asked during a job interview? 🤝 💼 . . Listen in for valuable tips on acing your interviews. 🎧 Remember to subscribe for more career insights and try answering the questions after the episode to test your understanding! 📚 . . Let's conquer job interviews together! 💪 #JobTips #CareerAdvice #SubscribeNow
Interviewing for a Job
2024年7月30日 12:52
留言 · 5
Interviewer: - Whereas your qualifications? (Not sure for the first word) - Have you ever been in supervisor? - Do you have any questions about the position?
2024年7月30日 16:31
What are you qualifications? Have you ever been a supervisor? Do you have any question about the position?
2024年7月31日 00:40
Why are you leaving your current job?
2024年7月30日 20:03
2024年7月30日 19:57