阿穆尔 (ā mù ěr)
When I enrolled in college, I really wanted to go to Central University for Nationalities, because I thought this school was more interesting. My family won't let me go to this school. They let me go to China Youth University for Political Science, but I don't like China Youth University for Political Science. Therefore, I had a very unhappy time in college.
2024年9月18日 08:32
阿穆尔 (ā mù ěr)
中文, 中文 (廣東話), 中文 (客家話), 中文 (台語), 英語, 日語, 蒙古語, 維吾爾語, 烏茲別克語
中文 (廣東話), 中文 (客家話), 中文 (台語), 英語, 日語, 蒙古語, 維吾爾語, 烏茲別克語