Hello everyone. I would appreciate it that you would rectify my writing. A) We laughed at a movie scene. B) She cried when I listened to her stories. C) “Back” she shouted. D) She shouted her children that you shouldn’t follow unfamiliar person. E) I wish Noto people recover from the earthquake. F) I promise her that I will graduate university next year. G) Let me sleep at 11:30 p.m.
2024年9月9日 08:59
解答 · 15
C) "Back!" She shouted. D) She shouted at here children that they shouldn't follow an unfamiliar person/ She warned her children not to follow an unfamiliar person E) I wish that the the Noto people will recover from the earthquake F) I promised her that I will graduate university next year The rest are all good :)
2024年9月9日 10:09
Most of them do not have clear meanings, even though some are grammatically ‘correct’. Since you haven’t explained what meaning you are trying to convey, correcting that fact (not rectifying it) isn’t really possible. Here are some examples of things you might mean. B. She cried as she told me her stories. She cried because I was willing to listen to her stories. D. She told her children not to /follow/interact with/ strangers. E. I hope that the victims of the Noto earthquake have recovered. (Later) I hope that the victims of the Noto earthquake recover quickly. (Just after the earthquake) F. I promised her that I would /graduate university/finish college/ next year. (I think ‘graduate university’ is fine for British English) G. I need to go to sleep at 11:30. Please quiet down at 11:30 so that I can go to sleep. Please give me permission to go to sleep at 11:30.
2024年9月9日 15:52
B) "as" is probably better than "when", depending on what happened C) "Back!", D) Mothers do not "shout" something like that at their children. They "tell" it to them. If you want something stronger, you can say she "urged", "admonished", or "implored" them. E) replace "wish" with "hope" or "wish that" F) "have promised" or "promised" G) not wrong, but "go to sleep" is better
2024年9月9日 15:03
Sorry, I’m not trying to be a “smart Alec” and correct you…just figured you were answering in a hurry so was trying to help. :)
2024年9月9日 13:43
A) We laughed at the movie scene. B) She cried when I listened to her stories. C) “Back” she shouted. D) She shouted to her children that they shouldn’t follow strangers. E) I wish that Noto people wil recover from the earthquake. F) I promised her that I will graduate from the university next year. G) Let me sleep at 11:30 p.m.
2024年9月10日 07:47