。。。寻人。。。 我们的村有一条路。这路中上经常躺或者坐或者站这只狗(看照片)。当我开车每次需要绕过这只狗。太不舒服。我想这只狗上生活是一位不诚实的交通警,这生活前业作工偿偾,所以把狗拴在路中。我决定了拍这只狗以后放到italki上让您们看一看。还是我下次带着照相机开车,路上没有狗。整月我没看“不诚实的交通警”,那我知道了为什么它不见了。这只狗上生活是一位不诚实的中国的交通警。它知道我想拍它。它害怕您们会认识它。还是昨天我会偶然拍它。以后它又不见了。今天我没看它。 如果有人认出了这位不诚实的中国的交通警,请告诉最近的派出所。 P.S. 如果中国没有不诚实的交通警那就对不起。我有错误。 “交通警”名字绝配俄国的交通警。如果我开车有一位交通警停我,那字“交”有意思我需要给交通警“交”钱,字“通”有意思这是普遍存在的事情,字“警”有意思如果我不付钱那就交通警吊销驾驶执照。
2014年10月13日 17:36
修正 · 4





我想这只狗生活上辈子(前世previous life)是一位不诚实(不称职?不敬业?incompetent?)的交通警,这生活前业作工偿偾,所以把狗拴在路中。这辈子为了赔偿上辈子的错,变成一只在路上的狗。


还是可是我下次带着照相机开车,路上没有狗。整月我没看(have not seen)不诚实不称职的交通警”,于是我知道了为什么它不见了。

Since I have not seen this incompetent dog for all month long,I got the idea that why he's gone.



P.S. 如果中国没有不诚实不称职的交通警那就对不起。我有错误。 那么我是在这里开个玩笑,我有错误,对不起。



As this sounds hillarious, let me try to re-translate this from TPOTO12's message


Finding someone (/someone was wanted)


There is used to be one a dog who was always lay lying down on the road of in my village. Here you can see this the dog from on the photo.
I feel felt inconvenice while driving around him, as he is was on my way.

Sometimes,I am imaging imagined that this dog must be an incompetent policeman while durig his previous life, so that this life, he is always standing on the road to finish the job which has he had not be completed in his previous life.

I decided to take a photo of this dog and post it on italki to show around.

However, after I decided to take my camera and taking a pic of him(this incompetent policeman) ,

I have not seen him almost 1month.

Since I have not seen this incompetent dog for all month long, I've got the idea that why he's gone.(why he's run away)

This dog must have find found out that I will would write a story about him in Chinese.
So he was a policeman from China so that he is afraid that all my Chinese friend will recognize him after my post and the photo.

I try hard to take a photo of him by chance, and I still have not seen him for a while.

If someone happened to find him somewhere, plz take him to the incompetent police office :)
P.S. If all the policemen in China are full of responsibility.(If there are no policeman who is incompetent in China.

I am sorry ,cuz I am just making a joke here by this story.

The policeman which be is writtened in Chinese as“交通警” is absolutely matching the behave behaviour to our Russian policemen.
If it happens that I am stopped by one Russian policeman on the road,
the Chinese letter“交”has the meaning as of "to pay",I must pay money to Russian policeman.
the Chinese letter“通”has the meaning of "common thing"or"In general "
the Chinese letter “警”has the meaning of "warning".
In general speaking (or Generally speaking),as if I refusing to pay money to the Russian policeman, he would warning to cancel my driving licence. If I refuse to pay money to the Russian police, the police will warn me of cancelling my driving licence.

Dear Mr.Serega, well done! As a Chinese, I am really surprised by your sense of humor and the way you use Chinese 汉字 to make a black humor. Your Chinese stroy and joke is both hilarious and full of wisdom.您的中文笑话,既幽默又机智,太棒了!