英文的歧义 Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like an apple. 时光飞逝像一个箭头。果蝇喜欢一个苹果.. I watch the man with binoculars. 我用双筒望远镜看男人。我看与双筒望远镜男人。 Do you want chocolate or vanilla? Yes. 你想巧克力或者香草吗?想.。 Do you want chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate. 你想巧克力还是香草?巧克力。 "I see!", said the blind man, as he picked up his hammer and saw. "我看!“,说了盲人,他举起他的锤子的时候还有看了。 "我看!“,说了盲人,他举起他的锤子和锯子的时候。 We saw her duck. 我们看了她的亚。 我们看了她,她闪避的颂歌。 我们锯她的亚。
2016年1月15日 16:58
修正 · 7


Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like an apple.
时光逝像一个Standard Chinese expression, 光阴如梭 果蝇喜欢一个苹果..

I watch the man with binoculars.

Do you want chocolate or vanilla? Yes.
你想巧克力或者香兰 to distinguish the term used for other kinds or aromatic vegetables such as cilantro, basil etc. 吗?是的想.。

Do you want chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate.

"I see!", said the blind man, as he picked up his hammer and saw.

Here you cannot translate "see" as 看 because in English it means "understood"...  However the translations lost the English pun.  "我懂/明了!" 瞎子就把他的錘子和鋸子拿起来了.  Puns cannot never translated from one language into another with its humour still intact (unless they share a common culture but even then... Just look at UK and US jokes.  A literal translation will make the reader scratch his head.

We saw her duck.  我们看到她[养]的鴨子.  or 我们看到她[的]闪避 Here 闪避 can be used as a noun (hence with 的 or verb without it.

Again how would one translate Groucho's quip?  By meaning, the humor is lost and by literal, makes no sense to a Chinese reader.
