Let me introduce you to my dog. Lola, the Yorkshire terrier, is its name. Lola is eight years old, yet she still behaves like a puppy. It's a really feisty puppy who is constantly in need of attention. Lola barks frequently, as little dogs do, but it is not an aggressive dog. This dog has a strong personality and has attempted to dominate the owners. The weird thing is, Lola dislikes going for a walk. It is a very energetic dog at home, but it is extremely peaceful and timid outdoors. It's the kind of animal who refuses to play with other dogs and acts like a fancy dog who is frightened of getting its paws dirty. Lola generally hides someplace in the house when it rains and refuses to go for a walk. Lola is treated like a third child in our family. It's a very friendly dog who enjoys being hugged and stroked. Lola appears to be always hungry and frequently begs for dog treats. When someone comes to visit, the dog is the first to greet them. When I leave for work, Lola joins me at the front door, and when I get home, Lola is usually barking and being wild. It is really my best friend.