一笑而過 这是什么意思?我知道有一首歌叫‘一笑而過‘,但是我要问这个phrase有什么意思。会不会用另外个名词代替‘笑‘?
2013年6月12日 19:31
解答 · 8
The phrase is somewhat close in meaning to the English "to laugh something off," or "to shrug something off." It means to pick up and move forward when one meets with adversity or something unpleasant. It could also mean "to forgive and forget," as when enemies "laugh off" the other's sins against each other. Unlike "laugh off" in English, which sometimes can connote flippancy, there is no sense of levity in the Chinese expression.
一笑而过,literally means laugh it off. It is a phrase describing someone who has open, generous and optimistic attitudes towards adverse situation.e.g. 面对这些流言蜚语,她只是一笑而过。 However, in other cases, such as the lyrics, "你伤害了我,还一笑而过“, it shows the attitude of "being indifferent" or "does not care". " You hurt me, but you just laughed it off."
在 "~而過" 詞組中 "過" 有歧義 擦身而過 擦肩而過 錯身而過 掩鼻而過 涉水而過 錯車而過 以上的過 指的是 身體或器具 "經過" 某個地方 又例 : 少男招手示意 少女抿嘴一笑而過 以下的過 指的是 時間 情緒 事件等的 "過去" "逝去" "消失" 我們之間的恩恩怨怨 從此一笑而過 (一笑泯恩仇) 他已削髮為尼 今生伴古佛青燈而過 單純一句 "你傷害了我 還一笑而過" "刻骨銘心 就被你一笑而過" 則適用第二義
一笑而过 means someone watches something with a slight and happy mood. for example, ur friend asks you: "wow, isn't this a very serious thing for u?" u say: "not at all" in chinese u can say 一笑而过