Question about the lyrics of Moon River A sentence from the song Moon River first sung by Audrey Hepburn in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's reads "We are after the same rainbow's end, waiting round the bend, my huckleberry friend, moon river and me". Does "bend" mean the arch of the rainbow? And what does "huckleberry friend" mean? Anything related to Huckleberry Finn?
2014年1月7日 15:51
解答 · 3
"Waiting 'round the bend" probably means the bend of the river. Here's part of an an article that addresses the meaning of "huckleberry friend": People have sometimes asked about the meaning of the phrase "huckleberry friend". As a child, Mercer picked huckleberries (like wild blueberries) in the summer. To him, the berries had a personal connection with a carefree boyhood, strengthened by association with Mark Twain's character Huckleberry Finn. The implication was that Holly Golightly, who was actually of hillbilly stock, and Huckleberry Finn might well have been friends, if ever they had met. From