HyunWook Park
When talking about movies. I am going to the movies? Do native English speakers say ' I am going to the movies' when going to see a movie? I am really confused with this. I usually say ' I am going to a cinema to watch a movie. But I was told that it is wrong to say that way and it is a total Konglish(Korean English). How should I say when I go to see a movie in a cinema? I am going to a movie, I am going to the movies. Which one is correct and please tell me the difference between them! Thanks a lot for your help guys. I am improving my English skills a lot since I joined italki :) Cheers, Hyunwook
2015年6月21日 16:28
解答 · 12
I'm going to see a film. I'm going to see a movie. I'm going to the cinema to see/watch a film/movie. I'm going to the movies. I'm going to a movie theater (I'll spell it the American way, as I don't usually say this). I suppose, in the UK, we probably say, most often, "I'm going to see a film." It's sort of assumed you're going to the cinema. My neighbour went to see a film last night. It was her birthday. Her 49th! She went with her sisters to the cinema. I think Americans would prefer to say 'movie' as they reserve 'film' for more serious 'arty' films. Is that correct? Any Americans out there to confirm this point?
You can most certainly say "I am going to the movies." and you can also say "I am going to see a movie" or "I am going to watch a movie".The first is extremely common and certainly NOT Konglish.
Do native English speakers say ' I am going to the movies' when going to see a movie? Yes, hundreds of millions of native speakers say this. This is the standard and correct phrase in American English. The British equivalent of this sentence is 'I am going to this cinema'. You can also say 'I'm going to see a film' ( in British English) or 'I'm going to see a movie' ( in American English). 'I am going to a cinema to watch a movie' is not wrong. The grammar is correct, and the vocabulary is correct, too. Any English speaker would understand you. If you wrote this in an English exam, you wouldn't lose any marks for it. A native speaker probably wouldn't say this, however, because it is unnecessarily 'wordy'. There is no need to give the same information twice. If you are going out to see a movie, it is very likely that this will be at a cinema, and if you are going to the cinema it is very likely that you will be seeing a movie there. Just one piece of information is enough. So you would say either: I'm going to the movies (US) I'm going to the cinema (GB) or I'm going to see a movie (US) I'm going to see a film (GB) Who told you that this was wrong? The person who told you this was being very unhelpful. To dismiss a correct sentence as 'total Konglish' is also rude and ignorant. Don't take any more advice from this person.
"I am going to a cinema to watch a movie." isn't Konglish, but it is an unnecessary amount of words for a native speaker. I wonder what else you could do at the cinema, if not watch a movie. :) So, we choose shorter, clearer phrases.
Thanks a lot for your help! I didn't know movies should be plural.