Could you teach me russian language ?
2008年9月17日 12:34
解答 · 6
The first of all I recommend you to find learning materials -CD, books. Choose a plant to follow. If you have question, you may always ask it there... I think noone denie chat with you for practice... But there are not so many professional techers, so main part of work you should do by yourself. Good luck!
" Путешествие, длина которого составляет 1000 километров, начинается с первого шага" - так говорят китайцы. Не бойся делать первые шаги! Удачи! "Journey, the length of which is 1000 kilometers, begins with the first step" - the so-spoken Chinese. Do not be afraid to make the first steps! Good luck!
Привет,Анжелика! Ты нашла аудио файлы для ознакомления со звучанием русских букв? Нет проблем! Я могу прислать тебе аудио файл. Напиши мне. Я рада тебе помочь! В Skype мы можем потренироваться в произношении русских слов. В среду или воскресение я буду свободна Hello, Angelica! You will find audio files to familiarize themselves with the sound of Cyrillic alphabet? No problem! I can send you the audio file. Write me. I am pleased to help you! At Skype we can to play in the Russian pronunciation of words. On Wednesday or Sunday I will be free
I'm not teacher of Russian, but I have some experience in it, cos it's my native language :). I could try to answers your questions. And the best way to know language is using it as much as possible. Good luck!
Hi, if you want i can help you with your Russian from the beginning like aplphabet, sounds, etc. If you want you can write me :) See ya)