Determine to do or be determined to do What's the difference between determine to do something and be determined to do something?
2016年7月4日 06:55
解答 · 4
Hi Emie, The word "determine", is more something that happens as a result of other things. For example: - The judges will add up their scores to determine the winner. - After reading all the responses, you will determine which one you like best. Determined, on the other hand, is when a person has strong focus, a goal or has come to a firm decision about a given matter or course of action. So, for example: - The student was determined to improve their English. - I was determined to eat all the cake. - They were determined to play the soccer match no mater how much it rained.
I'm determined to do something - means you have the courage and knowledge to do something ex: I'm determined to get an A on the math exam because I studied and practiced for many weeks. to be determined to do something - here you are presenting what it takes (knowledge, courage, effort) to be able to do something ex: In order for you to be determined to pass the math exam, you need to study a lot. I hope that helps, good luck!