Steve White
chiban (地番) style, and banchi (番地) This is not a very important question, I'm merely curious. The question relates to something I found in this Wikipedia article: This is a paraphrase: "The chiban (地番) style, contains the land number (番地 banchi) [...]" I know that "番地" is the correct term for "land number". But why does Wikipedia reverse the kanji in the name of the style of address that contains a land number? Is it a typographical error? Do they mean "The banchi (番地) style"? I know that Wikipedia contains A LOT of errors. Thank you!
2017年2月23日 05:16
解答 · 6
I did some digging and found this answer: 地番=登記所が決める一筆の土地ごとの番号。 番地=市町村が決める玄関を基準にした番号。いわゆる住所のことで、正確には住居表示という。 If you feel sufficiently interested you can read the page at the link above. As far as I understand, it says that 地番 is a number used by the Land Registry (登記所 toukisho) to indicate a plot of land (一筆の土地ごと ippitsu no tochigoto), and that 番地 is a number assigned by the local authority to residences, i.e. addresses. 地番 are not used in the general address system (住居表示 juukyohyouji). But it seems that in certain places there exists a system where the 地番 is used in the address designation, which effectively makes it a 番地. So that's why the Wikipedia article was so confusing.....I think.... Japanese addresses seem pretty nightmarish!
I'd just like to give a quick answer because I'm not good at these things, besides, my English is not suficient to explain, so please wait for better answers. There are 番地 and 地番. As you said, 番地 is used for address of each house. On the other side, 地番 is for land, it's not for house which someone lives in, however, land owner is exist.