"loser"用中文怎么说? 我的意思不是“失败者”而是一个没能力的,无聊性格的人。我不要太粗鲁的名称,最好要书面语言中也可以用的。 暂时我知道屌丝和卢瑟(我不要网络俚语),屡屡失败的人(等于定义,而且也能指倒霉的好人所以不是我的意思)。 有别的更合适的名称呢?感谢你们的帮助!
2017年7月31日 22:48
解答 · 20
可能是语言差异,汉语对于loser的理解应该是失败后萎靡不振的人或者颓废不堪的人,要知道失败后不气馁的人不是loser 所以颓废的人,没用处的人都可以被称为loser,也就是说汉语中是一个形容词 + 的人来描述就好 我按照你的要求想了想(庸人习气,懦夫行径)应该是你想要的loser,还有丧家之犬给我的一种loser的感觉 懦夫: 软弱无所作为的人 庸人:碌碌无为的人,无作为的人,没能耐的人 丧家犬:失魂落魄,无家可归的人 如果我的回答你觉满意~发email给我([email protected])~一起交流语言文化~
The term 废物 is the one I hear the most. Someone else said they think it's northern slang, but my friends are all Taiwanese and they use this word all the time. So I think Chinese speakers everywhere use it. People can use it in a joking way with friends or they can use it like an insult. You can also use it to refer to yourself. For example 我最近都在家里当废物 If you want a less slang way to express something close to the meaning of loser you can use the term 没出息, it literally translates to 'no prospects', but it's basically like calling someone a loser. I watch a tv series where the main character works in a drinks shop and his family always tell him 你没出息. I think this is a term that is OK for written language Also I used to read a lot online about the term 吊丝. It must be a term that is most,y used in mainland China because I have never heard my Taiwanese friends use it. Apparently it also means loser, but some people use it to refer to themselves. My impression is that it's similar to a youth subculture, but I'm not qualified to explain it really I'm not a native speaker, but I hope my answer is helpful taken in conjunction with the other answers.
‘Loser’的这种用法在汉语里恐怕没有对等的词,只能根据不同的语境选择不同的词: 1. 倒霉鬼 (neutral)/ 倒霉蛋 (derogative) 2. 废物/ 废物点心(northern vulgar slang) 3. 傻吊(diao3)/傻逼 (both offensive, but...)
You can use 咸鱼 have you heard of咸鱼翻身。It's metaphorical. or you can use 废柴。 But both words are for oral use. Don't use them in formal context. I think 失败者is good for formal context.
chinesespeakerhy说得很好。 我觉得还是“废物”最好,或者“垃圾”也行。不是很粗俗,而且也不会觉得太不常用。 最近在网络上很流行的一句话“我不是针对谁,我的意思是,在座的都是垃圾”。 倒霉鬼/倒霉蛋,我从来不说。可能南方人会说? 傻逼/傻屌,是有点粗俗的。书面里不用。