안나 Anna
이 문장은 무슨 듯이에요? 경영 철학에 공감하다 이 분야에서 최고라고 듣다 꿈을 펼치기에 적합하다 these are from my textbook and i don’t understand what they mean (related to 면접) thanks!
2017年11月30日 09:10
解答 · 4
Those three phrases can be understood as follows. Agree with company's vision Known to be the best in the industry Great workplace to achieve one's career goals
Those three phrases can be understood as follows. Agree with company's vision Known to be the best in the industry Great workplace to achieve one's career goals
"경영 철학에 공감하다" 경영 철학[經營 哲學] = philosophy in management ~에 공감하다 = to have agreement on ~ "이 분야에서 최고라고 듣다" 분야[分野] = study/research field 최고[最高] = the best [명사 N](이) 라고 듣다 = indirect speech, meaning that "it is heard that [noun N]" "꿈을 펼치기에 적합하다" 꿈 = dream 펼치기 = modification to noun format as an action of "펼치다 = to broaden/extend" ~에 적합하다 = to be suitable to ~ === 좋은 하루를 지내세요./I wish you a good day.
I agree with business management philosophy I heard that you are? the best of this field It's proper that dream comes true