What does " go against the grain " mean exactly ? Does it mean that you go against what others expect you to do or the norm in the society ? Can you check these sentences for me ? 1. I can't go against the grain with my peers , I would feel like an odd man out . 2. It takes courage to go against the grain of what the society dictates . Do you have any other good examples to use this idiom ? Thanks a lot !
2018年10月14日 15:01
解答 · 6
Hi, It is an idiom to express when people do something in a way that is the opposite or contrary to what is generally considered normal, logical, accepted. We have other similar expressions like swimming or going against the current.. Again, the idea is you choose the hard way to do something. Below is link to a dictionary of idioms that may help you.
Your examples don't sound natural. Usually, the phrase is a fixed phrase "He/she goes against the grain." "go against the grain" refers to woodworking with a plane. Removing a small amount of wood with a plane is easy "with the grain" (in the direction of the wood grain). It is hard "against the grain" (in the opposite direction of the grain). By analogy, "go against the grain" can mean "to go against" the traditional approach (leading to opposition). Also, it can have the general meaning of "to upset people" (like stroking a cat's fur the wrong way) and "to do things the hard way."
Yes, it definitely means to neglect your habits and act completely unexpected.
Unsuitable or unacceptable.
You should not use 'the' with 'society'. It is one of those nebulous exceptions (like 'space') that do not take an article.