Nathaniel S
日本語: Understanding 立てる 立てる is defined as "to stand" and "to make" at but most references I have seen use 立てる as "to make". How do I use "立てる" as "to stand" in a sentence? Any help would be appreciated! ありがとうございます!
2018年11月20日 23:15
解答 · 7
To add to what dpbdpbdpb said(man its a hand destroyer lol), As far as I've understood, what you said about "to make" is probably when people built or established a building, for example. In fact, it's not 立 this Kanji, but instead, 建てる is the most appropriate. Before answering your question about "to stand", let's briefly review the difference between 立つ and 立てる. 立つ is someone stands "up", and 立っている is someone is standing. (that's what I wanted to correct the other answer) On the other hand, 立てる is to raise or set up -- literally, it's to make something stand, therefore setting up. For instance, "someoneがa tripodを立てている" will be someone is setting up a tripod. Thus, 立ててください is please set it up while 立ってください is please stand.
+++ 本を立てる (put a book standing?) if you do this , the book will veritcally stand, not lying) +++ 鉛筆を立てる  if you do this , the pencil will veritcally stand, (rather instable) +++ ここにいる誰でもいいから、この卵を立ててみてくれないか? Can anyone here make this egg standing up? (by Colombus) +++ 「旗を立てる」 This is a good example of 旗を立てる。 I believe "たてる” ALWAYS means " make it stand, or put it vertically". It produces derivatives inculding ”建てる(たてる), build". e.g, 家を建てる or 計画/予定を立てる、大声を立てる、 But they come from, after all, the oringinal meaning of "たてる(make it stand)". ※ I beleive たてる and 縦(たて:vertical) have the same origin. ※ 立てる is rarly used to mean "(actually) make something standing". We rather say "立たせる“
立てる Has many different meanings, but the context of the statement will make it clear which is meant. To use it in a sentence meaning to stand it depends on what kind of sentence you want to make, 立てています Someone is standing (lit. Someone is standing and exists as standing, clunky I know but it's how you 'ing' a verb) 立ててください Please stand (requesting someone stand politely)