What does “ ghost sb “ mean ? I’m kinda confused about the meaning of “ ghost “ as a verb coz there’s no exact definition in the dictionary. If someone ghosted me , Does it simply mean that he didn’t reply to my messages and my phone calls ? Is it ok for someone to ghost me for a little while and come back to me a few days later ? If someone ghosted me , then it’s like I became a ghost to him or the ghost refers to him , he became a ghost to me ? Thanks a lot !
2019年4月8日 04:30
解答 · 8
'ghosting someone' is modern slang, mostly used with dating. Ghosting people means after the date, you just ignore them and don't reply to any of their messages, instead of saying that you're not really interested. It's basically one of the worst thing you can do and pretty rude. If someone ghosted you, your friends would tell you not to get involved with them again, cos the next time they contact you will be cos they are just bored. Hope that helps!
Yet another meaning of 'ghost' as a verb is to follow someone very closely, and quietly, without them realising you are there. Then perhaps touch them, or blow on them...
New Oxford American Dictionary 3 [with object] end a personal relationship with (someone) by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication: I didn't want to ghost her, so we ended up having ‘the talk’ and it was horrible | being ghosted is one of the toughest ways to be dumped | [no object] : people who ghost are primarily focused on avoiding their own emotional discomfort.
Its use in normal English is simply to follow closely, unnoticed. . Using the "urban dictionary" supposed meanings in normal life will just mess with your learning of the real language.
To ghost someone means to kill someone.