What's the difference between Registrar-se, Cadastrar-se, Inscrever-se? Hello! I'm trying to translate the button "Sign up" into Portuguese, and the Internet gave me several variants. But what is the difference between them? Registrar-se/Cadastrar-se/Inscrever-se Thank you so much for your answer.
2019年6月27日 16:09
解答 · 3
They all mean "to sign up", but we normally use them in different situations: Cadastrar-se: it means to sign up to something. Example: Eu me cadastrei em uma newsletter de tecnologia. Registrar-se - it means to sing up, but it can also mean mean to register yourself. Example: eu me registrei nesse website. inscrever-se - it means "to subscribe" or "to enroll". Example: eu me inscrevi em um curso. Eu me inscrevi em um canal do Youtube. In your case, it would be ideal to use "Registre-se" or "Cadastra-se".
They all mean "to sign up", but we normally use them in different situations: Cadastrar-se: it means to sign up to something. Example: Eu me cadastrei em uma newsletter de tecnologia. Registrar-se - it means to sing up, but it can also mean mean to register yourself. Example: eu me registrei nesse website. inscrever-se - it means "to subscribe" or "to enroll". Example: eu me inscrevi em um curso. Eu me inscrevi em um canal do Youtube. In your case, it would be ideal to use "Registre-se" or "Cadastra-se".