what's the difference between "except" and "besides"and "except for"
2011年1月19日 16:55
解答 · 3
除了。。。以外, 还有=besides,also 除了。。。以外,都 = except for
To begin with, there isn't any difference between "except" and "except for" in terms of meaning. However, depending on syntactic context, one may use both or only one of them. The following examples will hopefully illustrate this. An exception goes against the rule, it contradicts the rule. It usually marks an outlier as in: "Everyone in our group could speak Japanese except (for) me." Other times, it marks something that contradicts an assumption, like: "She did a great job. All the walls in the house were freshly and neatly painted in pink... except that I do not like pink." She generally speaking did a great job, but she missed to check in with me about the color. That last fact contradicts the statement that she did everything well. "Besides" also marks an outlier, something separate from a group, rule, or assumption, but it does not usually contradict the rule or opposes the group. For example: "I have nothing against adopting these two guinea pigs. Besides, they are so cute!" The fact they are so cute was not considered or thought of initially, and instead of contradicting the previous statement, it actually supports it: yet one more reason to adopt those guinea pigs.
except means other than or but everyone except me will be punished. except for means other than: i'll take all the girls except for Jane. also means: were it not for i'd travel with you except for my illness. besides means moreover or in addition to besides maths, i like english, also besides can mean except for noone besides /except for his mum can calm him.