Suci Ramadhian
Definitely yes, having a higher education in abroad is one of my dreams. Basically, I love studying something new to increase my abilities. I am always wondering to meet and discuss with many people in abroad who have different backgrounds and languages for solving problems, instead of solving it by my self. Besides, in abroad universities, there are complete fasicilities to accomplish a new research that I never have it in my country. Eventually, after finishing my study, I have to come back to my country, then I will impelement and elaborate my new knowledges for devoloping my country as well.
2021年9月21日 14:12
修正 · 2
Definitely yes, having higher education abroad is one of my dreams. Basically, I love studying something new to increase my abilities. I am always hoping to meet and discuss things with many people abroad who have different backgrounds and languages to solve problems, instead of solving them by myself. Besides, universities abroad have complete fasicilities to accomplish new research that I never had the oppotunity to accomplish in my country. Eventually, after finishing my study, I would have to come back to my country to impelement and elaborate my new knowledge to devolop my country as well.
Hi Suci, here are some corrections and I hope you find them helpful. If you are interested in having English conversational lessons with a patient, friendly and creative native English speaker please feel free to book a lesson with me. I focus more on speaking and listening skills.
Definitely yes, having a higher education abroad is one of my dreams. Basically, I love studying new things to increase my abilities. I am always wondering to meet and discuss with many people overseas who have different backgrounds and languages for solving problems, instead of just solving them by myself. Besides, in universities out of the country there are complete facilities to accomplish a new research that I never had in my land. Eventually, after finishing my studies, I have to come back to Indonesia, then I will implement and elaborate my new knowledge for developing my country as well.
Good luck with your studies :D Remember to use synonyms to avoid using the same word multiple times and pay attention to spelling rules :)