1999 - 2024
Communications SpecialistAudio With Clarity - Reading, 英國Teaching English, Voice over and voice broadcasting continuity work, presenting radio shows and doing voice over work for advertisements.
1989 - 2024
AuthorJoseph McTaggart - Reading, 英國Author of books on English Grammar and poetry
1995 - 2000
Voice and Speech ConsultantAudio with Clarity - 沙烏地阿拉伯Accent reduction techniques for English radio presenters and non native presenters in Arabia
2000 - 2005
Production and Voice Coach AssistantDutch Public Radio - Hilversum, 荷蘭Assisting on Public Radio ensuring scripts and accents were okay for overseas non native English Speakers
2006 - 2009
Communication SpecialistHSBC - London, 英國Ensuring smooth communication between UK onshore and offshore colleagues based in India and the Philippines, ensuring targets met with clarity over expectations, deadlines and communication.