Taking classes from Rachna results in a multitude of benefits for me. First and foremost, she is an exceptional teacher. Beyond her teaching acumen, she is simply an exceptional person. I truly believe that my life is better as a result of knowing Rachna, and I look forward to the day that I can speak with her, fluently, in Hindi. That WILL be a great accomplishment for both of us. I know such a day is well down the road, and there is much learning for me to do both cerebrally, as well as autonomically. I however never doubt that such a day comes. Perseverance, the commitment of time and an outstanding teacher, are the only requirements for a successful result. I look forward to remembering "this" time in the future, when I was at the early stages of my learning "journey". Being able to observe the contrast that Rachna's teaching and time, both provide, will make me very proud of myself.