I come from a nation with a population of 1500. Niue 🇳🇺 a small island located in the Pacific Islands. Our waters are clear, our air is clean and our land is fertile.
However, our language is sort of dying.
On the island, majority of occupants are able to speak both Niuean (native language) and English. However, offshore (in New Zealand,) only a handful of our people are able to speak the language (less than 10%).
I grew up in New Zealand but like many other Niueans, I was only taught English.
At the start of this year, I started learning Niuean.
I am now five months deep into learning the language and I have created 1000 digital flashcards to help with my studies.
As I grow in compentency, I am hoping to create an app and various flashcard decks to help others learn the language.