muhammad usama
Choose the correct one.
The cat is _____the tree
None of these
134 أجروا الاختبار
٢٠ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٤ ٠٢:٣٧
الإجابات · 5
Hi, how or why the cat is “under” the tree??
٢٠ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٤ ١٠:٣٨
I'm sorry. I was impressed with the cat situation. Come to think of it, it could be under an ornamental tree at home. I like this interaction between educators and pupils, in that I differ from you, you can find quite a lot of quality here. Thank you for answering my message, see you later.
٢٠ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٤ ١٤:٠٩
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