Animals are a source of wonder and fascination for people around the world. From the exotic creatures of distant lands to the familiar pets that share our homes, the animal kingdom is diverse and captivating.

One way to explore this diversity is through language. In this blog post, we’ll explore the world of animals through French vocabulary. We’ll discover various animal names in French and explore their meanings.
40+ different animal names in French
Learning the animal names can also help you improve French pronunciation. Practicing these names frequently allows you to develop an accent similar to native French speakers.
Farm animals in French
English | Singular | Plural | Male | Female | Young |
Horse | (Le) cheval shuh-vall | Chevaux shuh-voh | Étalon eh-tah-lon | Jument ju-muhn | Poulain pooh-lahn |
Cow | (La) vache vahsh | Vaches vahsh | Taureau, boeuf tuh-ruh | Vache vahsh | Génisse, taurillon, veau jen-eese, tow-re-yon, vo |
Pig | (Le) cochon coo-shohn | Cochons coo-shohn | Cochon coo-shohn | Truie truwee | Goret, porcelet go-ret, pour-su-leh |
Goat | (La) chèvre sheh-vruh | Chèvres sheh-vruh | Bouc book | Chèvre sheh-vruh | Chevreau shuh-vroh |
Donkey | (L’)âne ahn | Ânes ahn | Âne ahn | Ânesse an-esse | Ânon an-ohn |
Sheep | (Le) mouton moo-tohn | Moutons moo-tohn | Moutons moo-tohn | Brebis breh-bee | Agneau ah-nee-ho |
Chicken | (Le) poulet poo-lay | Poulets poo-lay | Coq cock | Poule pool | Poussin pooh-san |
Duck | (Le) canard cah-nar | Canards cah-nar | Canard cah-nar | Câne canh | Caneton cah-nay-tohn |
Turkey | (La) dinde dahnd | Dindes dahnd | Dindon dahn-dohn | Dinde dahnd | Dindonneau dahn-doh-no |
Goose | (L’)oie wah | Oies wah | Jars jhar | Oie wah | Oison wah-zohn |
Rabbit | (Le) lapin lah-pahn | Lapins lah-pahn | Lapin lah-pahn | Lapine lah-peen | Lapereau lah-puh-ro |
You must also master French numbers to count these animals correctly. It is an effective exercise to improve French vocabulary and pronunciation. Go to the farm. Call out animal names in French and count their strength. For example, you can count the number of rabbits on the farm.

Zoo animals in French
English | Singular | Plural | Male | Female | Young |
Lion | (Le) lion lee ohn | Lions lee-ohn | Lion lee-ohn | Lionne lee-uhn | Lionceau lee-ohn-so |
Tiger | (Le) tigre tee-gruh | Tigres tee-gruh | Tigre tee-gruh | Tigresse tee-gres | Tigreau tee-gro |
Elephant | (L’)éléphant ay lay-fohn | Éléphants ay lay-fohn | Éléphant ay lay-fohn | Éléphante ay-lay-fohnt | Éléphanteau ay-lay-fohnt-oh |
Giraffe | (La) girafe gee-rahff | Girafes gee-rahff | Girafe gee-rahff | Girafe gee-rahff | Girafon gee-rahff-onh |
Hippopotamus | (L’)hippopotame ee-poh-poh-tahm | Hippopotames ee-poh-poh-tahm | Hippopotames ee-poh-poh-tahm | Hippopotame ee-poh-poh-tahm | Bébé hippopotame ee-poh-poh-tahm |
Rhinoceros | (Le) rhinocéros ree-noh-sair-os | Rhinocéros ree-noh-sair-os | Rhinocéros ree-noh-sair-os | Rhinocéros ree-noh-sair-os | Bébé rhinocéros ree-noh-sair-os |
Zebra | (Le) zèbre zeh-bruh | Zèbres zeh-bruh | Zèbre zeh-bruh | Zebrelle zeh-brelle | Zébron or Zébreau zeh-brohn, zeh-broh |
Monkey | (Le) singe sanj | Singes sanj | Singe sanj | Guenon guh-nohn | Bébé singe beh-beh-sanj |
Crocodile | (Le) crocodile kroe-koe-deel | Crocodiles kroe-koe-deel | Crocodile kroe-koe-deel | Crocodile kroe-koe-deel | Bébé crocodile beh-beh-kroe-koe-deel |
Bear | (L’)ours oors | Ours oors | Ours oors | Oursonne oors-uhn | Ourson oors-ohn |
Wolf | (Le) loup luh loo | Loups loo | Loups loo | Louve loo-vuh | Louveteau loo-vuh-tou |
Bird | (L’)oiseau wah-so | Oiseaux wah-so | Oiseaux wah-so | Oiselle wah-zell | Oisillon wah-zee-yohn |
Sea animals in French
English | Singular | Plural | Male | Female | Young |
Fish | (Le) poisson pwah-ssohn | Poissons pwah-ssohn | Poissons pwah-ssohn | Poissons pwah-ssohn | Alevin ah-lew-vahn |
Dolphin | (Le) dauphin do-fahn | Dauphins do-fahn | Dauphin do-fahn | Dauphin do-fahn | Delfineau del-fee-noh |
Whale | (La) baleine bell-ehn | Baleines bahl-ehn | Baleine bahl-ehn | Baleine bahl-ehn | Baleineau bahl-eh-noh |
Seal | (Le) phoque fawk | Phoques fawk | Phoque fawk | Phoque fawk | Blanchon blahn-shohn |
Shark | (Le) requin ri-kahn | Requins reuh-kahn | Requin reuh-kahn | Requin reuh-kahn | Requineau reuh-key-noh |
Polar bear | (L’)ours blanc oors blah-unk | Ours blancs oors blah-unk | Ours blanc oors blah-unk | Oursonne blanche Oors-uhn blah-unk | Ourson blanc oors-ohn blah-unk |
Penguin | (Le) pingouin pehn-gwahn | Pingouins pehn-gwahn | Pingouin pehn-gwahn | Pingouine pehn-gwin | Poussin pooh-san |
Squid | (Le) calamar kal-ah-mahr | Calamars kal-ah-mahr | Calamar kal-ah-mahr | Calamar kal-ah-mahr | Bébé calamar beh-beh kal-ah-mahr |
Jellyfish | (La) méduse may-dooz | Médusesmay-dooz | Méduse may-dooz | Méduse may-dooz | Bébé méduse beh-beh may-dooz |
Lobster | (Le) homard oh-mar | Homards oh-mar | Homard oh-mar | Homard oh-mar | Bébé homard beh-beh oh-mar |
Crab | (Le) crabe crahb | Crabes crahb | Crabe crahb | Crabe crahb | Bébé crabe beh-beh crahb |
Seahorse | (L’)hippocampe eep-oh-kahmp | Hippocampes eep-oh-kahmp | Hippocampe eep-oh-kahmp | Hippocampes eep-oh-kahmp | Bébé hippocampe beh-beh eep-oh-kahmp |
Otter | (La) loutre loo-truh | Loutres loo-truh | Loutre loo-truh | Loutre loo-truh | Loutron loo-trohn |
No one can deny the importance of mastering basic French words in language learning. Knowing these essential words gives you the confidence to initiate and understand conversations. We always recommend you start with the basics. Make notes carrying all these French words. Memorize them and use them in your conversations as much as possible.
Pet animals in French
English | Singular | Plural | Male | Female | Young |
Dog | (Le) chien shee-ehn | Chiens shee-ehn | Chien shee-ehn | Chienne shee-en | Chiot shee-oo |
Cat | (Le) chat shah | Chats shah | Chat shah | Chatte shat | Chaton shah-tohn |
Goldfish | (Le) poisson rouge pwah-ssohn-rooge | Poissons rouges pwah-ssohn-rooge | Poisson rouge pwah-ssohn-rooge | Poisson rouge pwah-ssohn-rooge | Alevin ah-lew-vahn |
Hamster> | (Le) hamster am-stair | Hamsters am-stair | Hamster am-stair | Hamster am-stair | Bébé hamster beh-beh am-stair |
Guinea pig | (Le) cochon d’Inde coo-shohn dande | Cochons d’Inde coo-shohn dande | Cochon d’Inde coo-shohn dande | Cochon d’Inde coo-shohn dande | Bébé cochon d’Inde beh-beh coo-shohn dande |
Parrot | (Le) perroquet pair-rho-kay | Perroquets pair-rho-kay | Perroquet pair-rho-kay | Perroquet pair-rho-kay | Bébé perroquet beh-beh pair-rho-kay |
Ferret | (Le) furet fyoo-ray | Furets fyoo-ray | Furet fyoo-ray | Furet fyoo-ray | Bébé furet beh-beh fyoo-ray |

These are some popular animal names in French. Learning these names can improve your vocabulary list to a remarkable extent. Moreover, you can book lessons with italki to seek professional guidance in learning French online.
Master French online with italki
If you’re a beginner looking to learn French online without disrupting your daily routine, italki could be the best learning platform for you. This platform has some outstanding features that allow learners to master their desired language from the comfort of their own homes.
Individualized Learning Sessions: Learning French online becomes incredibly simple when lesson plans are tailored to the requirements and learning objectives. italki offers individualized lessons to help you learn French online. Following these sessions, you’ll better understand your learning objectives and goals.
Expert French instructors: The majority of italki teachers are native French speakers. You can choose a French teacher from a list of qualified and experienced educators who offer detailed online French lessons tailored to your preferred learning schedule and budget. Each of these teachers will provide you with personalized French lessons based on your specific needs.
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Conversational learning sessions: French-speaking classes will involve extensive interaction with italki’s conversational French tutors. The conversational learning method makes learning exciting and enjoyable. You can select the most appropriate learning format for your goals and objectives.
Is there anything more satisfying than learning French at your own pace and convenience? This innovative platform enables you to be as adaptable as possible while respecting people’s hectic schedules. Book your lessons to learn French quickly.

Booking online lessons at italki
- Set up an italki profile. Fill in the blanks with your preferred learning style, objectives, and goals.
- Search for French tutors. Examine their profiles to determine which one best meets your requirements.
- Plan for a trial lesson to assess their learning style. You can schedule a trial lesson at a reduced rate to evaluate the overall learning experience.
- Determine your goals for learning French. After determining your goals, work with your French tutor to develop a learning plan. To establish a consistent learning routine, we recommend choosing a regular session.
- Work on your French with your teacher. Improve your fluency by engaging in real-life scenarios.
- Make use of all additional learning resources. The practice exercises, textbooks, and recommended videos are all excellent resources for learning French quickly.
- Consider the tutor’s feedback. Examine your mistakes and seek ways to improve your speaking and writing skills.
- Keep a record of your progress. It is crucial to maintain the motivation required to learn a second language.
Frequently asked questions
How do you say “mammal” in French?
A. Mammal in French is “mammifère.”
What is the French term for “reptile”?
A. Reptile in French is “reptile.”
How do you say “bird” in French?
A. Bird in French is “oiseau.”
What is the French word for “fish”?
A. Fish in French is “poisson.”
Learning the names of animals in French can be a fun and enriching experience. It not only expands your vocabulary but also gives insight into the cultural significance of these creatures. Whether you’re a language enthusiast or simply curious about the world around you, exploring the animal kingdom through French vocabulary is a rewarding journey.
Apart from this, book your lessons at italki to improve your French writing and speaking skills under the supervision of native French tutors. Visit the website today!
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