Learning a new language involves mastering vocabulary, and knowing the words for body parts is essential for everyday conversation. Mastering common French words can enable you to understand and initiate conversations. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to enhance your French skills, this guide will help you learn the names of various body parts in French.

Learn different body parts in French

This blog will cover everything from basic body parts to more specific terms, providing translations and pronunciations.

Body Parts in French: Outer parts and organs

Knowing body parts in French can not only enhance your vocabulary but can also enables you to talk about your health-related issues easily. You can also consult French to English dictionary to understand the meanings of difficult words.  

Basic body parts

Let’s start with the basics. Knowing the French terms for these common body parts is fundamental.

HeadLa têtelah tet
FaceLe visageluh vee-zazh
EyeL’œil (singular), Les yeux (plural)luh-yuh, lay zyuh
NoseLe nezluh nay
MouthLa bouchelah boosh
HairLes cheveuxlay shuh-vuh
ArmLe brasluh brah
HandLa mainlah man
LegLa jambelah zhahm
FootLe piedluh pyay
BodyLe corpsluh kor

Facial features

Understanding the terms for different parts of the face can be particularly useful, whether you’re describing someone or discussing symptoms with a doctor.

ForeheadLe frontluh fron
EyesLes yeuxlay zyuh
EyebrowLe sourcilluh soor-seel
EyelashLe cilluh seel
CheekLa jouelah zhoo
ChinLe mentonluh mon-ton
LipLa lèvrelah levr
TongueLa languelah long
ToothLa dentlah dahn
TeethLes dentslay dahn
Learn to describe facial expressions in French

Upper body

Here are the terms for parts of the upper body:

ChestLa poitrinelah pwah-treen
BackLe dosluh doh
StomachLe ventreluh von-truh
WaistLa taillelah tah-yuh
ArmLe brasluh brah
ElbowLe coudeluh kood
WristLe poignetluh pwan-yay
HandLa mainlah man
FingerLe doigtluh dwa
ThumbLe pouceluh poos

Lower body

Next, let’s look at the lower body parts, from the hips to the feet.

HipLa hanchelah hahnsh
ThighLa cuisselah kwees
KneeLe genouluh zhuh-noo
LegLa jambelah zhahm
AnkleLa chevillelah shuh-veel
FootLe piedluh pyay
HeelLe talonluh tah-lon

Internal organs

Knowing the names of internal organs can be important, especially in medical contexts. You must also learn the days of the week in French to converse with the doctor accurately and precisely.

HeartLe cœurluh kur
LungsLes poumonslay poo-mon
LiverLe foieluh fwah
KidneyLe reinluh ran
IntestinesLes intestinslay an-tes-tan
BrainLe cerveauluh ser-vo
SkinLa peaulah poh

Sensory organs

The sensory organs are essential for our interaction with the world around us.

NoseLe nezluh nay
MouthLa bouchelah boosh
SkinLa peaulah poh

Some useful phrases

Here are some useful phrases involving body parts in French, which can be useful in various situations.

Expressing pain or discomfort

  • I have a headache. (J’ai mal à la tête).
  • My stomach hurts. (J’ai mal au ventre).
  • My back is hurting. (J’ai mal au dos).
  • I have a toothache. (J’ai mal aux dents).

Describing body parts

  • He has blue eyes. (Il a les yeux bleus).
  • She has long hair. (Elle a les cheveux longs).
  • I broke my arm. (Je me suis cassé le bras).
  • She twisted her ankle. (Elle s’est foulée la cheville).

Asking for help

  • Can you help me? I hurt my leg. (Pouvez-vous m’aider? Je me suis fait mal à la jambe).
  • Where is the nearest hospital? (Où est l’hôpital le plus proche?)

Tips for learning body parts in French

Flashcards: Use flashcards to memorize vocabulary. This is a great strategy for retaining information for a longer period of time.

Labeling: Label body parts on a diagram or even on yourself with sticky notes to reinforce learning.

Label human organs to reinforce French learning

Practice with native speakers: Try to use the vocabulary in conversations with native French speakers. Language exchange apps can be very helpful.

Use mnemonics: Create associations or funny images to remember the words more easily.

Regular revision: Regularly review the vocabulary to move it from short-term to long-term memory.

Getting a French-speaking tutor can help you expand your vocabulary and pronunciation quickly. If you want to expand your French speaking and writing skills, check out italki for the best French tutor at an affordable price.

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italki’s online classroom, which includes video chat, file sharing, and a virtual whiteboard, is ideal for learning French online. With the availability of French-speaking classes, learners can quickly improve their language skills through increased interactive practice. For example, the tutor will teach learners the days of the week in French via practice exercises and interactive assignments.

Every learner wants to know the quickest way to learn French, but progress requires consistency and focus. You must seek out methods for productively acquiring knowledge.

Taking customized lessons from italki will gradually increase your vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency. The enrollment procedures are outlined below. Visit italki to schedule your lessons right away.

French tutor listing page

Step-by-step procedure to book lessons at italki

Visit italki. Complete your profile with all the required information. Select the ‘Find a teacher’ option and then use the French teacher filter to find a French teacher. This page contains a comprehensive list of French tutors available on italki.

Choose a teacher who meets your learning objectives and requirements. Plan your lessons with them.

You must follow the additional materials, exercises, and scenario-based content provided by your French tutor. Accept constructive criticism and work to improve your weaknesses. Keep track of your learning progress.

Frequently asked questions

How do you say “head” in French?

The word for “head” in French is “la tête”. Pronounced: lah tet.

What is the French word for “hand”?

The French word for “hand” is “la main”. Pronounced: lah man.

How do you say “eyes” in French?

“Eyes” in French is “les yeux”. Pronounced: lay zyuh.

What is the term for “foot” in French?

The term for “foot” in French is “le pied”. Pronounced: luh pyay.

How do you pronounce “nose” in French?

“Nose” in French is “le nez”. Pronounced: luh nay.

How do you ask “Where is the nearest hospital?” in French?

You ask “Where is the nearest hospital?” in French as “Où est l’hôpital le plus proche ?”. Pronounced: oo eh loh-pee-tal luh ploo prosh.


Mastering the names of body parts in French is a fundamental step in becoming proficient in the language. This knowledge is useful for everyday conversations and crucial in medical situations and when describing people.

To expand your French knowledge further, enroll yourself in italki and quickly become a fluent French speaker. 

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