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Share your goal and reasons for learning a new language so that others can help you out.
Success Builds Confidence - Level Up Your Career! Episode 403. Elevating your communication skills in today’s globalized workplace isn’t merely a suggestion; it’s a necessity. If your goal is to be heard, to be noticed, and to truly excel, mastering effective communication is the pathway to take. In this episode, I’ll share practical examples of how to build your “small victory bank” by offering a fresh perspective on improving your communication skills. The principles are straightforward, but the challenge often lies in consistent application – a challenge that leads to self-criticism (a topic we’ll also explore in this episode). Don’t delay! Let’s dive in and start building your confidence through your achievements. Remember, you already possess the potential for success! For personalized training with me, please check my calendar for available slots. To Your Success, Anatoly #job interview preparation #communication skills #confidence building #daily successes #corporate English #presentation preparation
Success Builds Confidence - Level Up Your Career! Episode 403.
12 de feb. de 2025 6:52
““My Success Story” Confidence Building Exercise. Episode 401. For my students – entrepreneurs and C-level managers – a lack of confidence isn’t solely about grammar; it’s often rooted in perception and the perceived risks associated with speaking English. When I talk about risk, I’m referring to the fear of making mistakes, the fear of being judged, the fear of rejection, or of being looked down upon. Does that resonate with your experience? If so, keep reading, I understand where you’re coming from. Miscommunication can be particularly challenging for high achievers. The fear of failing to secure a deal, of giving the wrong impression, or of appearing incompetent – these are common thought patterns for many language learners. But you are not like that. You’ve had past successes, you have victories, you’ve achieved significant heights before, correct? Then why do you allow these destructive thoughts to take hold and undermine your confidence each day? Ultimately, you are responsible for both your successes and your setbacks. Now, let’s move into the exercise. My voice will be calm and soothing, guiding you towards a more relaxed, ‘alpha-level’ state. From this state, you will be able to re-evaluate your situation from a new perspective, and more importantly… enjoy the process! I look forward to seeing you in my 1-1 VIP coaching classes. To Your Success, Anatoly”
“My Success Story” Confidence Building Exercise. Episode 401.
30 de ene. de 2025 17:36
Hello, I am a native Persian speaker of the Iranian dialect (a.k.a Farsi) and also a certified teacher of Persian (Farsi & Dari). I know basic Spanish and I am fluent in English. I need to learn the main thing that divides the Tajiki dialect of Persian (the Cyrillic script) from other dialects, and in return I can teach Perso-Arabic script, basic Spanish or English. I am also leading a volunteer project for spreading Persian knowledge (all dialects) amongst English speakers for which I can use the help of people who are passionate about the Persian language as much as I am. If there's any Tajik speaking person who wants to help me or exchange their knowledge with mine, I would really appreciate it. Thank You [GOOGLE TRANSLATE TAJIK VERSION:] Салом, Ман як порсии зодаи гӯиши эронӣ (форсӣ) ҳастам. Чизи асосиеро, ки гӯиши тоҷикии форсиро (хатти сириллик) аз гӯишҳои дигар ҷудо мекунад, бояд биомӯзам ва дар иваз метавонам хатти форсӣ-арабӣ, инглисии пешрафта ё испании оддиро омӯзам. Агар ягон нафари тоҷикзабоне бошад, ки ба ман кумак кунад ё дониши худро бо дониши ман мубодила кунад, ман хеле миннатдор хоҳам буд. Сепoс
23 de ene. de 2025 21:37
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