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italki Lessons are 1-on-1 video chat lessons between italki Teachers and Students. Share your experiences with italki Lessons with other italki Students and Teachers here.
Without any further ado... Here we go! ✔️Keep (someone) In The Loop ➿ - To keep someone informed about and/or involved in something, such as a plan or project, especially that which involves or pertains to a specific group. 🔉 "We've hired a new intern to help you with data entry, so be sure to keep her in the loop about the project." ✔️Learn the ropes🚤 - To learn or understand the basic details of how to do or perform a job, task, or activity. 🔉 "We have a few high-priority projects we need to get done now, so you'll need to learn the ropes on your own." ✔️The ball is in (one's) court 🏓 - One has the responsibility for further action, especially after someone else previously held responsibility. 🔉 "Well, they invited you, so the ball is in your court now. Do you want to go out with them or not?" ✔️Get (one's) ducks in a row🦆 - To take action to become well-organized, prepared, or up-to-date. 🔉 "Make sure Finance gets their ducks in a row before the audit." ✔️On the same page 📄 - Of two or more people, thinking in the same manner; having the same general outlook or position. 🔉 "We all need to be on the same page before we try to present this complex idea to the boss." ✔️On the back burner🔥 - Of a low priority; postponed or suspended. 🔉 "We will have to put this on the back burner for a while. ✔️In a nutshell l 🥜 - In summary; concisely. 🔉 "In a nutshell, the app helps you to plan parties." ✔️To touch base ⚾️ - To contact someone to update them or receive an update from them. 🔉 "Will you please touch base with the marketing team and find out how they're progressing?" ✔️Circle back (to something)◀️ - To return to a conversation or discussion at a later time. 🔉 "Don't worry, we'll circle back to your question, Jack." ✔️Call it a day 👋🏼 - To stop what you are doing because you do not want to do anymore or think you have done enough 🔉 "I'm getting a bit tired now - let's call it a day."
20 févr. 2025 11:53
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