Cinese (mandarino)
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Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Jerry.

94 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

我对语言有极大的热情,多学一种语言,就会多一扇通往世界的大门。我有一些国外的朋友,会经常教他们学习汉语,在沟通中我常常痴迷于这种中西方文化交融的乐趣,我会把这种乐趣也带给我的学生。 I have a great love for languages. one more languages you master, one more door to the world will be open for you. I have some foreign friends and often teach them Chinese language. We often enjoy the pleasure from the meeting of the different culture or language and the pleasure to find the similarity. I will also bring the pleasure to the students.

USD 5.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore FANFEI.

1,432 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

I am a patient and supportive teacher. I am good at explaining terms and things in a simply clear way, so my student can easily comprehend them. In addition to my native Chinese, I also speak good English and a little French. Whether you already have some knowledge in Chinese or are a complete beginner, we will work together to reach your goal(s). Every student is different. Let’s have a conversation before and during our first class to determine the best approach, based on your profile, your expectations!

USD 5.00/prova
Disponibile 00:00 Domani
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Yeoh Xin Pei.

696 lezioni

Yeoh Xin Pei

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (hokkien)

Tailored Chinese lessons for all levels : Start speaking Chinese now! Year 2018: -Taught language in Ho Chi Minh City, focusing on conversation and pronunciation. -Served as a private tutor in Nha Trang, helping a hostel owner learn Chinese for guest communication. Year 2019: -Volunteered in India, teaching English to children daily, overcoming resource challenges in remote areas, and occasionally engaging in language learning activities. Year 2020 till now : -Joined italki, gaining diverse teaching experiences and enjoying sharing Chinese culture with an international student community.

USD 8.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore 王新新Wang Xinxin.

950 lezioni

王新新Wang Xinxin

Insegnante professionistaid verified
Preparazione di esami
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

HSK1; HSK2; HSK3; HSK4; HSK5; 中文对话; 儿童故事 I had been teaching Mandarin for five years for adults and also I had the experience to teach kids with picturebook. I am super outgoing and always feel fun with my student. I try to do different fun things in my class with my students so that they enjoy speaking Mandarin and improve their level a lot.

USD 10.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Depeng.

1,602 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

Certified trilingual Chinese teacher and PhD candidate in international relations I very much want you to achieve your goals. I care about your learning, I listen to and answer your questions carefully, and I am patient. *Teaching Chinese. I am enthusiastic about helping people learn Chinese, especially if they are interested in learning Chinese for travel or business. I specialize particularly in helping English-speaking professionals achieve work and career goals, including adding the ability to converse in Chinese to their credentials. *Teaching English: I have been learning English since I was a child, have passed the highest proficiency exams, and have an academic vocabulary level. I have been teaching English as a second language since 2015.

USD 10.00/prova
Disponibile 14:00 Oggi
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Abby.

562 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (altro)

可爱活泼幽默的教学风格💁🏻‍♀️我喜欢画画,交友🌸课程针对成人和儿童 Me as a Teacher 曾经有两年的国学教学经验,擅长古诗和文言文以及汉字的教学,曾荣获全国教师风采大赛新人奖。 目前是线上语文老师,擅长中文基础知识的教授如拼音、字词、句子和语法。 I have about 2 years of professional teaching experience. I am excellent at chinese poetry, ancient classical Chinese and chinese characters. I have in the past won the best newcomer award in the National Chinese Teacher Style competition. I am currently teaching Chinese online and I am good at teaching the basics of the Chinese language such as pinyin, words, sentences and grammar.

USD 6.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Annabel in Canada.

2,741 lezioni

Annabel in Canada

Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

大厂指定合作商务英语老师 ♚ 加拿大MBA中国双硕士 ♚ 北美公司运营管理 ♚ 国家高校教师资格证 ♚ 中高级英语口语语法 ➊英语 - 擅长商务英语,中高级对话以及中高级语法教学。 - 本科由英语教育专业毕业,通过英语专业四级TEM-4以及英语专业八级TEM-8。 - 研究生由普通教育学(中国),国际商务管理学MBA(加拿大)毕业。 - 持有中国高等学校教师资格证书,以及多年成人英语培训经验。 - 雅思成绩为阅读9,听力9,口语8,写作8。 - 有丰富的和英语母语的职场人打交道的经验,擅长正式商务对话。 ➋Chinese (Mandarin) - National Mandarin Proficiency Test Certified - National Putonghua (Mandarin) Pronunciation Test Certified - National College and High School Teaching Certified - Years of teaching experience in a classroom environment

USD 17.00/prova
Disponibile 14:00 Oggi
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Susie (Kids& Adults).

1,176 lezioni

Susie (Kids& Adults)

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (cantonese)

Conversational Mandarin for Adults & Teenagers and kids Three-year experience of tutoring foreigners with their spoken Chinese.

USD 10.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Mandy Chen.

761 lezioni

Mandy Chen

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

Your Favorite Chinese Tutor and Friend. Speak Mandarin, English and Italian:) When I was in Italy, I worked as a Chinese teacher and helped some Italians with pronunciation, grammar and oral practice. It was a nice experience for me, because not only did I help them with their Chinese studies, but I also made friends with them. I also taught Italian to Chinese students in my country who wanted to go to Italy. 在意大利期间,向意大利人提供一对一的中文辅导课程,主要针对发音,语法和口语练习。回国后,向中国学生教授意大利语,主要针对语法和口语。 Quando ero in Italia, offrivo le lezioni di cinese per gli italiani, per migliorare la loro pronuncia, la grammatica e l'orale. Dopo essere ritornata in Cina, offro le lezioni di italiano agli studenti cinesi.

USD 5.00/prova
Disponibile 08:00 Oggi
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore 刘晓雯xiaowen.

538 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

a professional teacher with five years of teaching experience I have taught Chinese for two years overseas, and also have over two years online teaching experience. The courses I teach include HSK, YCT and other test courses, and I also have oral Chinese classes for students who need work, Chinese characters classes (analyzing the structure of Chinese characters and tracing the origin of the composition of Chinese characters), reading classes, and cultural classes etc . 我曾在海外教授过两年汉语,并有超过两年线上教学的经验,我教授的课程包括HSK、YCT等系列考试课程,同时也有为工作需要的学生准备的口语课,汉字课(分析汉字结构,对汉字的构成进行溯源),阅读课,文化课等。

USD 7.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Pei Chen.

2,151 lezioni

Pei Chen

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (taiwanese)

擁有七年以上一對一中文教學經驗 ▤‥‥ As a Teacher ‥‥▤ Constant practice can help you learn more effectively. It doesn’t matter whether your Chinese is elementary level, intermediate or advanced, you can come and learn with me!! Looking forward to seeing you during my lesson! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ * If you can’t find a convenient time on my Italki calendar, please send me a message and I’ll see if I can rearrange some lessons! IT‘S A GREAT TIME TO START LEARNING CHINESE!

USD 18.00/Ora
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Yaya ショウア.

213 lezioni

Yaya ショウア

Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

日本語で全面サポートします、お気軽にどうぞ~ Passion I have passion for teaching Chinese.Being a Chinese teacher is my dream that I never give up.I’m willing to spend time on how to teach Chinese in a easier and more clearly way. Profession I was trained to be a teacher teaching Chinese as a second language.Not just being a native speaker,but also have the knowledge of pronunciation,grammar,character ,etc.In addition to this,I also mastered some teaching methods and skills. Experience I worked as an intern teaching overseas students Mandarin for one year and as a private tutor teaching English-speaking kids for three years.I’m confident that I can teach each student in a proper way.

USD 5.00/prova
Disponibile 00:00 Domani
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore May Zhong.

1,590 lezioni

May Zhong

Insegnante professionistaid verified
Preparazione di esami
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (cantonese)

Certified Chinese teacher with 8+ years of teaching experience in China and Canada. I've always been passionate about teaching. After I got my Bachelor's degree in Education in China, I decided to further my education in Canada, where I achieved my Master’s degree in Education. I have 8+ years of teaching experience both in China and Canada. I used to be a primary school teacher in China. I have achieved the teaching certificate and the Mandarin certificate. I am now teaching Chinese in Canada. I am sure that my educational background and work experience will make me a perfect role to help you learn Chinese.

USD 13.99/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Shera.

213 lezioni


Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

曾经在补习机构当过助教。 Worked as a teaching assistant in a tutorial institution. J’étais assistante d’enseignement dans un établissement de rattrapage.

USD 11.50/prova
Disponibile 14:00 Oggi
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Shirley Guo|Bonjour.

1,501 lezioni

Shirley Guo|Bonjour

Tutor della Communityid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

Mandarin certificate|I can help you as much as i can I am able to provide content on different topics for conversations from beginners to advanced level students.Easy to understand and easy to use.Easy to understand, easy to learn, easy to improve your speaking skills, and use a variety of topics to make you feel more interesting.(容易理解容易上手更容易的提升你的口语能力,并且使用各种话题使你感到更加有趣。)

USD 8.00/Ora
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Sylvia (Kids&Adults).

1,320 lezioni

Sylvia (Kids&Adults)

Insegnante professionistaid verified
Preparazione di esami
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (hokkien)
Cinese (cantonese)

Mandarin Certificates teacher👩‍🎓6+ years Experience🌟Kids and Adults💯HSK&HSKK 🌻 Please send me a message or complete the teacher contact form before our first class! 🌼 ⭐️ I am highly experienced in teaching all ages and levels, especially for the beginners! ✨ I am good at communicative teaching method, which helps students really use the Chinese. ⭐️ I have helped many students pass the HSK exam with good scores. ✨ I like to combine learning with games in lessons of kids and teenagers! ⭐ I am organised and prepared, always help students learn step by step.

USD 8.00/prova
Disponibile 08:00 Oggi
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Grace.

625 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

💗Certificated Chinese teacher with 7 years experience💗patient💗interesting💗 😊I majored in Chinese literature in the university, so don't worry, I have a rich knowledge of Chinese, and I have obtained the certificate of middle school Chinese teacher and the certificate of international Chinese teacher, so I am a professional Chinese teacher. 😊When I was 20 years old, I gave lessons to a Korean student for the first time . During this process, I fell in love with Chinese teaching. I really like Chinese history and culture. 😊After graduating from college, I became a Chinese teacher in a middle school, and at the same time, a part-time tutor of English, beginning in 2020, I began to teach online, has been more than 3000 lessons,students are from kids to adults。

USD 10.00/prova
Disponibile 14:00 Oggi
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Osmond.

3,972 lezioni


Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)

CTCSOL,Patient,Kids,Customized,Professional,Experienced,Culture lover,Spiritual lover Trust me!I have a rich experience.I familiar about how to inspired yours to find out the key to learn Chinese.I focus on the efficiency and skills.I will provide your many materials for listening, pronunciation, grammar and reading.I will use different styles to meet different learners need from basic survival language to specialized language depending on your intentions and interests. 大家好,作为一名老师,我会为不同程度的学习者提供不一样的指导,涉及到听力,发音,语法和阅读,我很注重效率和技巧,我会结合学习者的实际情况做出不一样的学习计划。

USD 8.00/prova
Disponibile 05:00 Oggi
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Candice X.

3,813 lezioni

Candice X

Insegnante professionistaid verified
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (cantonese)

10+ years experience, TESOL and TCSOL My teaching style can be either very traditional or wild. 我的教学方式可以很传统,也能非常不传统。 There is no perfect method for language learning, but it should be fun. 学习语言没有完美的方式,但是一定是有趣的。 Let me know your requirement and study goal first! 首先你要告诉我你的要求和学习目标! I'm more than happy to help you to find a suitable way to learn Mandarin together. 我希望可以找到一个合适的方法,帮助你一起学习中文。

USD 30.00/prova
Impara Cinese (mandarino) con il professore Yu- Daily Chinese.

1,609 lezioni

Yu- Daily Chinese

Insegnante professionistaid verified
Preparazione di esami
SPEAKS :Cinese (mandarino)
Cinese (taiwanese)

Taiwanese, Certificated Mandarin Teacher ➤中文/日本語/Eng ➤5 years of teaching 👩‍🏫 ∎ Experienced student support tutor for a Chinese Language Center ∎ Experienced instructor for several online teaching companies ∎ Chinese Teacher at a technical school in Japan  👩‍🏫 ∎大学中国語センターチューター ∎日本山口宇部高専門学校中国語教師 ∎台湾大学進学予備校サポートセンター中国語教師 ∎オンライン中国語教師

USD 11.00/prova
Disponibile 16:30 Oggi
Il pagamento finale sarà eseguito in dollari americani

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