Yuli (HSK/Adult/Kid)
Insegnante professionista
In this episode we will talk about 【Chinese Cuisine 】, you will learn how to say 【fresh and flavorful, delicious and crispy,original flavor】 ect. -------------------------------------------------- "It is recommended that you study in the following ways: Step 1: Gist listening. Listen to get the main idea. (more times if necessary) Step 2: Check the script and learn new words. Step 3: Listen and imitate as much as you can then retell the story. Step 4: Write down what you hear if you want to practise writing. -------------------------------------------------- 大家好,我是Yuli。欢迎收听我的播客。 今天想和大家聊一聊【中国美食】的话题。 中国的美食文化有很长的历史,每个地方的美食各有特点。例如,广东菜清淡、鲜美,讲究原汁原味;四川菜则以麻辣的口味著称,具有很强的口感。中国美食有八大菜系,除了广东的粤菜和四川的川菜,还有山东的鲁菜、江苏的苏菜、福建的闽菜、浙江的浙菜、安徽的徽菜和湖南的湘菜。 越来越多的外国人喜欢吃中国菜,在美国的中餐馆就有几万家。你知道吗?有一些在国外很有名的中国菜,其实根本不是中国菜。例如,左宗棠鸡(General Tso's Chicken)、幸运饼(Fortune Cookies)和虾片(Prawn Crackers)。就算是真正的中国菜,在国外的中国餐馆,老板一般会根据外国人的口味做一些改变。 如果你来中国旅游,你应该吃什么中国菜呢?最有名的中国菜应该是北京烤鸭吧,刚出炉的北京烤鸭,外皮香脆,肉却很嫩,让人忍不住想吃。如果你喜欢吃辣的,四川的麻婆豆腐你一定要试一下。麻婆豆腐给人的第一印象就是麻辣,麻来自花椒,辣来自辣椒面。配上一碗大米饭,让不爱吃辣的人都吃到根本停不下来。如果你来到四川,别忘了去吃火锅哦。如果你喜欢吃清淡的美食,欢迎来到广州。广州最有特色的是早茶,一边喝茶一边吃各种各样的点心,虾饺、烧卖、蒸排骨。如果你想挑战一下,可以试试蒸凤爪。很多外国人觉得吃鸡的爪子很奇怪,但是相信我,真的很好吃。 你最喜欢的中国菜是什么呢?留言告诉我吧。我们下期见。 -------------------------------------------------- 清淡/qīng dàn/not strongly flavored 鲜美/xiān měi/fresh and flavorful 讲究/jiǎng jiu/be particular about 原汁原味/yuán zhī yuán wèi/original flavor 著称/zhùchēng/be famous for 麻辣/má là/Spicy and numbing 菜系/cài xì/Cuisine (system) 出炉/chū lú/Out of the oven 香脆/xiāng cuì/delicious and crispy 嫩/nèn/Tender(for meat) 花椒/huā jiāo/Chinese prickly ash 辣椒面/粉/là jiāo miàn/fěn/Chili Pepper powder 早茶/zǎo chá/Morning tea/Yum Cha 点心/diǎn xin/Dim Sum 虾饺/xiā jiǎo/Shrimp Dumplings 烧卖/shāo mài/a steamed dumpling with the dough gathered at the top 蒸排骨/zhēng pái gǔ/Steamed Spare Ribs 挑战/tiǎo zhàn/Challenge 蒸凤爪/zhēng fèng zhǎo/Steamed chicken feet 爪子/zhuǎzi/claw
中国美食 Chinese Cuisine (Intermediate level)
18 lug 2024 09:56
Yuli (HSK/Adult/Kid)
Competenze linguistiche
Cinese (mandarino), Cinese (cantonese), Cinese (altro), Inglese, Giapponese, Spagnolo, Tailandese
Lingua di apprendimento
Inglese, Spagnolo, Tailandese