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¡Hola, muchachos! The Spanish phrase "sin ton ni son" means "without rhyme or reason" or "without sense or logic." It’s used to describe actions, speech, or behavior that seem random, chaotic, inappropiate or poorly thought out. Por ejemplo: - "Compramos un montón de cosas sin ton ni son." (We bought a bunch of things without rhyme or reason.) - "No puedes tomar decisiones sin ton ni son." (You can't make decisions without thinking them through.) - "En la reunión todos hablaban sin ton ni son." (In the meeting, everyone was talking all over the place.) The phrase likely originated from musical terms, where "ton" (tone) and "son" (sound) represent harmony. So, doing something "sin ton ni son" is like doing it without harmony or coherence. Now, tell me: have you ever done anything sin ton ni son? Let me know in the comments bellow. ¡Hasta pronto!
Ever done anything 'sin ton ni son'?
¡Por supuesto!
1 hanno risposto
19 nov 2024 16:03
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