Narrator: The challenge for modern-day employees is to​evolve as the world is rapidly changing around them. You may not change, but the skills required to do your job well. In the last decade, ​automation has already had an impact on the number of jobs, and there are fears that this isn’t going to slow. Learning new skills allow workers to stay​relevant and competitive, even in the face of changes in their industry. It doesn’t have to be vastly time-consuming. Something such as improving your​Word or Excel skills, or learning basic code, to make you more efficient is a start. Yet, investing in more up-to-date abilities is a good idea. A good starting point is job-specific skills, but personal skills are also worth looking into. For example, if you find it difficult to cope under pressure, you may want to look into ​self-management. Communication is another area worth considering. You may want to look at, not only how you express yourself, but also your ability to ​actively listen when others are talking and incorporate their feedback and ideas into what you do. With globalization, another ​fundamental skill these days is intercultural awareness. So, there are a variety of options for us to improve our working knowledge.
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