Making Plans
Making Plans
We all like to plan ahead and sometimes, especially at work, we have TO WORK TO DEADLINES. Deadlines can often seem DAUNTING and stressful, particularly if you have lots of work to complete and the deadline is j JUST AROUND THE CORNER. However, not all deadlines are bad! At work, deadlines give us a goal to aim for and can push us to achieve far more than we might expect. Remember to set yourself daily, weekly and monthly OBJECTIVES to achieve, and perhaps use a smartphone app to track your progress. You can then use this information next time you meet with your boss to show how productive you are. You never know, it might also help with a promotion or pay rise! While personal plans such as meeting a friend for drinks or playing tennis next weekend involve deadlines, these arrangements are more flexible, so you needn’t be OVERLY worried about the time. However, remember that you don’t want to be late for your appointments and keep your friends waiting, so think about what you need to do BEFOREHAND and give yourself enough time to achieve it successfully, with just a little extra time added JUST IN CASE. Take your next vacation for instance. What do you need to plan? Tickets, a hotel reservation, or a taxi to the airport. Someone to look after your pets or houseplants while you are away. Don’t leave all your planning to THE LAST MINUTE. After all, it’s never too early to plan ahead!
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