2024年5月19日 02:27
"口" - kǒu Meaning (字义) Primary Meaning: The primary meaning of "口" is "mouth." For example: 她张开口唱了一首美妙的歌。 (Tā zhāng kāi kǒu chàng le yī shǒu měi miào de gē.) She opened her mouth and sang a beautiful song. Extended Meanings: It can also refer to anything that resembles a mouth, such as an opening, entrance, or a measure word for people in a household. Usage (用法) The character "口" is used in various contexts in the Chinese language, including as a radical in other characters, in compound words, and in idiomatic expressions. As a Radical: "口" is a common radical in Chinese characters, often related to speech or the mouth, such as "吃" (chī, to eat) and "唱" (chàng, to sing). Measure Word: "口" is used as a measure word for counting family members or things with openings. 例如: 一家四口。 (Yì jiā sì kǒu 。) -A family of four. 两口井。 (Liǎng kǒu jǐng .) -Two wells In Compound Words: 口语 (kǒu yǔ): Spoken language For example: 他学习汉语口语非常努力。 (Tā xuéxí Hànyǔ kǒuyǔ fēicháng nǔlì.) He studies spoken Chinese very diligently. 人口 (rén kǒu): Population For example: 这个城市的人口超过了一百万。 (Zhège chéngshì de rénkǒu chāoguò le yī bǎi wàn.) The population of this city exceeds one million. 出口 (chū kǒu): Exit or export For example: 请从出口离开。 (Qǐng cóng chūkǒu líkāi.) Please exit through the exit. Idiomatic Expressions: 心口如一 (xīn kǒu rú yī): (literal: heart and mouth as one) Epitomizes honesty and integrity. It describes a person who expresses their true thoughts and feelings without deception, earning the trust and respect of others. For example: 他是个心口如一的人。 (Tā shì gè xīn kǒu rú yī de rén.) He is a person who says what he thinks . 口是心非 (kǒu shì xīn fēi): (literal: mouth is, heart isn't) it is an idiom used to describe people who are insincere or deceitful, saying one thing while meaning another. For example: 她总是口是心非,让人难以信任。(Tā zǒng shì kǒu shì xīn fēi, ràng rén nán yǐ xìnrèn.) She always says one thing but means another, making it hard to trust her.