I living in Israel now, and many things there is interesting for me. For example, the week starting in Sunday, not in Monday. People here don’t eating meat with cheese(or other dairy). There is only religious marriage. But most interesting here - the history of this land. :)
2023年6月22日 11:29
訂正 · 2
I live in Israel now and there are many things I find interesting here. For example, the facts that the week starts (use the simple present when talking about facts) on a Sunday and not on a Monday or the fact that people here don’t eat meat with cheese (or other dairy). There are only religious marriages but the most interesting here is the history of this land. :)
I live in Israel now, and many things here are interesting to me. For example, the week starts on Sunday, not on Monday. People here don’t eat meat with cheese (or other dairy). There is only religious marriage. But most interesting here - the history of this land. :)