“Are you good at dealing with change?” Yes, I see change as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Flexibility is an essential part of my resilience. Throughout my academic and professional journey, I’ve encountered many changes, such as switching majors, working with different supervisors, and transitioning between departments. While some of these changes were unexpected, I’ve successfully adapted to new environments by identifying the skills required and learning them. My ability to consistently deliver high-quality results demonstrates that I am effective at managing change.
2024年10月12日 23:14
訂正 · 1
“Are you good at dealing with change?” Yes, I see change as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Flexibility is an essential part of my resilience. Throughout my academic and professional journey, I’ve experienced many changes, such as switching majors, working with different supervisors, and transitioning between departments. While some of these changes were unexpected, I’ve successfully adapted to new environments by identifying the skills required and learning them. My ability to consistently deliver high-quality results demonstrates that I am effective at managing change.
'Encountered' feels more unexpected, and because you included examples of things you chose to do, 'experienced' I think works better. You sound like a very resilient person!
2024年10月15日 21:22